The Artistic Personality
The Artistic Personality
Contributor(s): Bogdan C.S. Pîrvu (Editor)
Subject(s): Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Psychology, Romanian Literature, Personality Psychology
Published by: Addleton Academic Publishers
Keywords: artistic personality; nay-powered personality; lead-flowered personality; psychopathology;
Summary/Abstract: With constant references to Cloninger, Cosman and mainly Gray for the description of a model (AS) with anxiety-as-introverted-neuroticism and sociability-asextraverted- neuroticism; with recurrent recourse to Rusu, Pamfil, Cosman and mainly Kant for the description of creativity-as-product; with many a reverence to Andreasen, Jamison and mainly Aristotle for the description of creativity-asprocess – we will stipulate that the connection between psychopathology (PP) and big-C creativity (CC), a “melting pot” from which we have extracted personality traits (PT) and then the genetic code (DNA), intelligence (IQ) and a certain zeitgeist (ZG), is quite organic, namely that big-C creativity (CC) feeds on subclinical hypomania (SCHM), formative originality (FO) and subliminal psychopathology (SLPP). In a rather more condensed formulation, CC (AS + DNA + IQ + ZG) is informed by SCHM and encoded by FO and SLPP. By entabulation: CC (AS + DNA + IQ + ZG) → SCHM → FO + SLPP. This book, hopefully part of a long-standing Artistic Personality series, is an overt illustration of the aforementioned thesis, with special reference to Ion Creangă and George Bacovia, two foremost Romanian representatives of prose (an 80% psychopathology in a sample of 110 writers) and poetry (93.75% psychopathology in a sample of 80 poets).
- E-ISBN-13: 978-1-942-58547-3
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-1-942585-46-6
- Page Count: 154
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: English
The logbook of the psychopathology-creativity junction
The logbook of the psychopathology-creativity junction
(The logbook of the psychopathology-creativity junction)
- Author(s):Bogdan C.S. Pîrvu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Aesthetics, Romanian Literature, Personality Psychology
- Page Range:9-15
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:personality; creativity; Romanian poetry;
- Summary/Abstract:Mihai Eminescu, the Romanian national poet, is ultimately the ―deep state‖ of our research herewith, the medical contextualization of his personality being another phrase for connecting psychopathology to creativity, in a biopsychosocial approach.
- Price: 5.00 €
The nay-powered personality: Ion Creangă
The nay-powered personality: Ion Creangă
(The nay-powered personality: Ion Creangă)
- Author(s):Cătălina A. Pîrvu, Ioan Florin Diaconu, Narcis Aprodu, Cristina Ruxandra Livescu, Ionela Stătescu, Mihaela Sîrghie, Florentina Gavril, Lenuș Gurguță, Bogdan C.S. Pîrvu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Romanian Literature, Personality Psychology
- Page Range:17-122
- No. of Pages:96
- Keywords:Ion Creangă; personality; creativity;
- Summary/Abstract:Saith the first sorcerer: ―The good news, dear Smaranda, is that your firstborn will be nurturing and protective of others – he will consequently be a good organizer. The bad news, however, is that this firstborn son of yours will be uncooperative, highly anxious, highly critical of others and unconsciously hostile; he will be driven by exaggerated feelings of power and he will fight for acceptance – he must always be ‗right,‘ whereas others are always ‗wrong.‘‖
- Price: 5.00 €
The lead-flowered personality: George Bacovia
The lead-flowered personality: George Bacovia
(The lead-flowered personality: George Bacovia)
- Author(s):Laura Murgu, Anca Rafiroiu, Florin Tecuceanu, Diana Corjan, Adrian Brunello, Bogdan C. Archip, Nicoleta Luțuc, Ștefania Vlad, Bogdan C.S. Pîrvu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Romanian Literature, Personality Psychology
- Page Range:113-145
- No. of Pages:33
- Keywords:George Bacovia; melancholia syndrome; personality; creativity;
- Summary/Abstract:Says the good doctor: ―The bad news, dear Zoe, is that your newly-born son can be anything, but a poet. A poet needs his hypomania (another name for the intensive creative episode) and, I chance to know that much from a highly competent source, the poetic process is out of the question in the absence of such trances, the more the better for the poet qua poet but, unfortunately so, the more they come the worse for the poetʼs mental health.
- Price: 5.00 €
The price for flying too high
The price for flying too high
(The price for flying too high)
- Author(s):Bogdan C.S. Pîrvu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Psychology, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:147-151
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:The Ballad of Master Manole; Master Manole;
- Summary/Abstract:The Ballad of Master Manole (edited by Zoe Dumitrescu-Buşulenga, translated by Dan Duţescu and designed by Emil Chendea – in 1976; exquisitely analysed and contextualized by Petru Ursache in 1998, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019) goes that the Prince, ―with nine masons all, nine worthy craftsmen, with Manole ten, the highest in fame,‖ happed to see ―somewhere down the lea an old wall all rotten, unfinished, forgotten, on a green slope lush, near a hazel brush.‖ And quoth the Prince, ―Here‘s my wall! Here I choose that ye build for me a shrine, a cloister divine.‖
- Price: 5.00 €