Tradiție și modernizare în filosofia românească în secolul XX
Tradition and Modernity in the Romanian Philosophy of XXth Century
Author(s): Mihaela Gligor, Ioan Dura, Ştefan Bolea, Claudiu Mesaroş, Ion Cordoneanu, Laurenţiu Gheorghe
Contributor(s): Mihaela Gligor (Editor)
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Philosophy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Bibliography, General Reference Works, History of Philosophy, Philosophical Traditions, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Special Branches of Philosophy, Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion, Early Modern Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy, Editorial, Scientific Life, Conference Report, Source Material, Sociology of Religion, Philosophy of History
Published by: Presa Universitara Clujeana
Keywords: Romanian philosophy; tradition; modernity; modernization; interwar period; Philosophical analyses; paradigm shift;
Summary/Abstract: Any reference to the Romanian philosophy of the 20th century must also contain details about its relationship with modernity / modernization. As everywhere in Europe, in Romania, modernity has produced a paradigm shift. This position expressed a certain way of thinking about philosophy in a modernizing society. This volume contains the works of the Panel entitled "Tradition and modernization in Romanian philosophy in the twentieth century", proposed and moderated by Mihaela Gligor, as part of the International Conference "Modernism, modernization, modernity. Historiographical and methodological perspectives", organized by the "George Baritiu" Institute of History of the Romanian Academy of Sciences and Babeș Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, between October 13-15, 2021, within the Cluj Academic Days 2021.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-606-37-1223-4
- Page Count: 141
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: Romanian
Filosofia cioraniană a extincției în context schopenhauerian
Filosofia cioraniană a extincției în context schopenhauerian
(The Cioranian philosophy of extinction in the Schopenhauerian context)
- Author(s):Ştefan Bolea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Bibliography, General Reference Works, History of Philosophy, Philosophical Traditions, Contemporary Philosophy, Existentialism, Cultural Essay, Conference Report, Source Material
- Page Range:7-25
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Schopenhauer; Emil Cioran; Philosophy of Extinction; Research; Will-to-Life;
- Summary/Abstract:Schopenhauer’s concept of the will-to-life was transformed by one of his main disciples, Philipp Mainländer, in his Philosophy of Redemption (1876) into the will-to-death, preceding Freud’s investigations regarding the death drive in Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920). The post-Schopenhauerian conception that non-being is preferable to being anticipates Cioran’s discussion of suicide from A Short History of Decay (1949) and his vision of the “catastrophe” of birth from The Trouble with Being Born (1973). If, from a Nietzschean perspective, Cioran’s obsession with death is a symptom of passive nihilism, from an extreme-contemporary perspective, his pessimistic thanatophilia may resonate with our anxious crepuscular mentality, prefiguring contemporary Antinatalism.
Proiectul cultural al generației interbelice. De la provincialism la universal
Proiectul cultural al generației interbelice. De la provincialism la universal
(The cultural project of the interwar generation. From provincialism to universalism)
- Author(s):Ion Cordoneanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Bibliography, General Reference Works, History of Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Cultural Essay, Conference Report, Source Material
- Page Range:27-45
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Romanian philosophy; Mircea Eliade; Interwar generation; Humanism; privincialism;
- Summary/Abstract:In this chapter I will discuss the role that Mircea Eliade had, as an exponent of the generation, in the interwar Romanian culture in general and the humanist thinking in particular, under two challenges, the historical and the political. Between the two tendencies crystallized in the Romanian interwar period, philosophical universalism and autochthonism, Mircea Eliade intuits that, after the achievement of the national unity on December 1, 1918, the Romanian culture must assume a new direction. Between the first tendency, which understood that the specificity of modernity lies in the universality of truth beyond the national specificity, and the second interested in deciphering the "Romanian vein" in the cultural and philosophical capitalization of ethnicity, Eliade projects the destiny of national culture in the universal dimension, considering that Romania's destiny must be a cultural one, and our cultural modernity should by represented by the "universal man". Eliade's project, perhaps, was doomed to failure or had a partial and unfinished character, and modernity understood as cultural universalization was only the awareness of a trend that, under the "terror of history", did not materialize. But he became a personal project that Mircea Eliade assumed through the hermeneutics of the world's religions and the understanding of homo religiosus and "total man".
Religie și modernitate: reconfigurări ale morfologiei religioase în societatea pluralistă și seculară
Religie și modernitate: reconfigurări ale morfologiei religioase în societatea pluralistă și seculară
(Religion and modernity: reconfigurations of religious morphology in pluralistic and secular society)
- Author(s):Ioan Dura
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Philosophy, General Reference Works, Philosophical Traditions, Special Branches of Philosophy, Theology and Religion, Pragmatism, Philosophy of Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy, Source Material, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:47-69
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:Modernity; tradition; religion; dialogue; secularization in Europe; Romanian philosophy;
- Summary/Abstract:The substance of the secularization theory, as formulated by most sociologists in the 1960s and 1970s, presupposed that modernity would implicitly lead to the decline of religion in society, ultimately to its elimination. Secularization, as a separation of the sacred-profane spheres, was the direct result of modernization. Today's reality contradicts this religious skepticism.
„O teorie a dreptății“ și reconectarea filosofiei politice românești la sursele contemporane ale modernității
„O teorie a dreptății“ și reconectarea filosofiei politice românești la sursele contemporane ale modernității
("A theory of justice" and the reconnection of Romanian political philosophy to contemporary sources of modernity)
- Author(s):Laurenţiu Gheorghe
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Philosophy, General Reference Works, History of Philosophy, Philosophical Traditions, Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Special Branches of Philosophy, Civil Society, Public Law, Theology and Religion, Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Hermeneutics, Source Material, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:71-95
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:Political philosophy; Rawls John; teory of justice; interwar traditions; contemporary perspectives;
- Summary/Abstract:After 1990, the Romanian political philosophy freed from the compulsory official Marxist dogma had to choose between a range of inadequate options from the viewpoint of current reality: reconnecting with the interwar tradition but in a different historical context; replaying the cold war ideological clash this time from the anti-Marxist perspective, that seemed redundant given the political and economic failure of Marxism or embracing the western post modern discourse, that didn’t reflect in any way the current Romanian political and social realities. Faced with these alternatives it was necessary to regain a philosophical experience of the transition from modernity to post-modernity that will enable the adequate approach to the realities of the transition from communism to post-modern capitalism. Given this context, from a certain philosophical perspective, the study of Rawls from A theory of Justice to Political Liberalism provided a unique opportunity to escape tradition without canceling it, to overcome the socialist-capitalist dichotomy and to connect to contemporary philosophical debates without losing the local perspective.
Tradiție și modernizare în filosofia lui Mircea Florian
Tradiție și modernizare în filosofia lui Mircea Florian
(Tradition and modernization in the philosophy of Mircea Florian)
- Author(s):Mihaela Gligor
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, History of Philosophy, Special Branches of Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Cultural Essay, Conference Report, Source Material, Philosophy of History
- Page Range:97-109
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Romanian philosophy; Mircea Florian; Interwar period; recesiveness; Romanian modernity; modern theory;;
- Summary/Abstract:In an attempt to capture the beginnings of modernity in Mircea Florian's philosophy (and, implicitly, in Romanian philosophy in the twentieth century) we start from the philosophy of recessiveness developed by the Romanian thinker and discuss, for a start, the relationship between philosophy and nation, on the one hand , and the relationship between Romanian philosophy and universal philosophy, on the other hand. In both cases, the recessive ratio indicates a duality. Philosophy means infinity, generality, totality, and the nation expresses the essence, the real, the individual. The dominant term is philosophy, and the nation is recessive. Mircea Florian accentuated the state of Romanian philosophy through a series of rules of philosophical conduct, thus affirming its autonomy from other fields of spirit and recognizing its existence in a national context.
Filosofia dialogului a lui Mihai Șora și posibilitatea structurării unui model de practică filosofică
Filosofia dialogului a lui Mihai Șora și posibilitatea structurării unui model de practică filosofică
(Mihai Șora's philosophy of dialogue and the possibility of structuring a model of philosophical practice)
- Author(s):Claudiu Mesaroş
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Bibliography, General Reference Works, History of Philosophy, Philosophical Traditions, Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Pragmatism, Conference Report, Source Material
- Page Range:111-136
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:Romanian philosophy; Mihai Șora; modernity; tradition; methodology of a dialogical counselling; philosophical practice;
- Summary/Abstract:Since his work of youth (On the Inner Dialogue) Mihai Şora proposes the act of dialogue as an essential, self-producing state of the human being. Dialogue involves equality in dignity and alterity and the discovery of alterity as a revelation of the world as a structure of potentialities or openings of the me-you type, characterized by reciprocity. The me-you dialogue and the inner dialogue, the communion or the generalized dialogue, are at the same time an ethical commitment of the partners practicing openness and reciprocity, the foundations for freedom and for the awareness of our position in relation to the world. Dialogue produces the occupation of the inner space of the being as voice of the being and at the same time assuming of the outer space as discursiveness, as permanence of acts of being and acting together. Communion as an emotion thus edifies not only the subject participating in the dialogue but also a new entity, the communion itself, an affective perhaps agapic composition. Starting from here, we aim to explore the philosophy of dialogue of Mihai Şora as a theoretical background for a structuring the methodology of a dialogical counselling or philosophical practice aimed at elucidating and relating the subject to the outside world as an autonomous act of the self that is exercised in communion as co-author and giver of meaning.