The Migration Conference 2021 Selected Papers
The Migration Conference 2021 Selected Papers
Contributor(s): Ibrahim Sirkeci (Editor)
Subject(s): Migration Studies, Asylum, Refugees, Migration as Policy-fields
Published by: Transnational Press London
Keywords: asylum; borders; culture and migration; immigration; integration; labour migration; migration; migration law; migration policy; Programme; refugee law; refugees; remittances; selected papers; The Migration Conference; xenophobia
Summary/Abstract: This is a collection of self-selected papers presented at The Migration Conference 2021 London. COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing restrictions and difficulties in international travel forced us to run the TMC online for a second time. It is a new and improving experience for most of us and there is strong hints that the conference will continue in hybrid form in the near future. As usual, we have invited participants to submit 2000 words papers for the proceedings book and this volume brings you these papers. Topics covered in the volume include gender, education, mass movements, refugees, religion, identity, migration policy, culture, diplomacy, remittances, climate, water, environment and pretty much everything about migration. Most of the papers are in English, but there are some in French, Spanish and Turkish too. This is a great book for those who want short accounts on all aspects of migration and refugees.
TMC 2021 was hosted by Ming-Ai (London) Institute and The International British Business School, UK. Looking forward to continuing the debates on human mobility after the Pandemic at the next TMC in Morocco. | | @migrationevent | | Email:
- E-ISBN-13: 978-1-80135-098-3
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-1-80135-097-6
- Page Count: 357
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: Turkish, English, French, Spanish
Migration Narratives in The First Person: Life Stories of Brazilian Immigrants in Portugal
Migration Narratives in The First Person: Life Stories of Brazilian Immigrants in Portugal
(Migration Narratives in The First Person: Life Stories of Brazilian Immigrants in Portugal)
- Author(s):Patricia Posch, Rosa Cabecinhas
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies
- Page Range:13-17
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Migration Narratives in The First Person; Life Stories; Brazilian Immigrants; Portugal;
- Summary/Abstract:Considering the increasing number of Brazilians migrating to Portugal in the last years, we conducted Life Stories interviews with 25 Brazilians who migrated to the North of Portugal from 2015 onwards, analysing their perceptions about their migration experience. The findings were analysed in the light of Cultural Studies and Social Psychology theories, uncovering texts and contexts about the case of Brazilian migration to Portugal.
Highly Skilled Syrian Refugees Moving to the West: 5 Case Studies
Highly Skilled Syrian Refugees Moving to the West: 5 Case Studies
(Highly Skilled Syrian Refugees Moving to the West: 5 Case Studies)
- Author(s):Duaa Al-Namas
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies
- Page Range:19-23
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Highly Skilled Syrian Refugees; Moving to the West; Case Studies;
- Summary/Abstract:Syria and Syrians have been going under a non-ending conflict for the last decade, which led to the displacement internally and internationally of more than 13 million individuals, between adults and children, -not to mention those killed-. Some of whom have lost their homes, families, jobs, and all aspects of life including dreams, causing the fleeing of about 6 million Syrians to neighbouring countries, looking for safety and shelter for themselves and their children. That in return had its impact on the host countries, and inhabitants. However, the life of Syrian refugees themselves, their education, their jobs and their future plans, has faced dramatic changes and challenges till they have settled in some countries. Challenges and forces has pushed some of them to make a second move to Europe.
Türkiye-Yunanistan Sınırında Yaşanan Kitlesel Göç Hareketinin ve Gelen Göçmenlerin Edirne Yerel Basınında Temsiliyeti
Türkiye-Yunanistan Sınırında Yaşanan Kitlesel Göç Hareketinin ve Gelen Göçmenlerin Edirne Yerel Basınında Temsiliyeti
(Representation of the Mass Migration Movement on the Turkey-Greece Border and the Incoming Migrants in Edirne Local Press)
- Author(s):Jale Avyüzen Zobar
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Migration Studies
- Page Range:25-34
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Turkey; Greece; Mass Migration Movement; Immigrant; Edirne Local Press;
- Summary/Abstract:Bu çalışma, Türkiye’nin açık kapı politikasını uygulamaya geçirmesinin ardından Yunanistan sınırına gelen kitlesel göç akınında göçmenlerin yaşadığı problemlere odaklanmaktadır. Çalışmada, TürkiyeYunanistan sınırında neler olduğuna dair yaşananların ve göçmenlerin karşılaştığı problemlerin Edirne yerel basınında nasıl yer aldığı ortaya konulacaktır. Birinci yılı dolan kitlesel göç hareketinde kentte bulunan vasıflı yerel gazetelerin haberlerinde göçmenlerin temsiline ve yaşanan hak ihlallerinin nasıl ele alındığına ışık tutulacaktır. Çalışmanın amacı, göç konusunda medyanın rolünü anlamak ve göçmenlerin insan hakları açısından yaşadıkları sorunların medyada nasıl temsil edildiğini göstermektir. 2020 yılında yaklaşık bir ay süren kitlesel göç akını sırasında Edirne’ye gelen göçmenlerin deneyimlerini, pratiklerini ve hak kayıplarını içermesi açısından bu çalışma, sınırlı bir alanda üretilen haberlerin içeriğine odaklanacaktır.
Identities Put to the Test of Migration: The Case of Russian Homosexuals and Bisexuals in France and Canada
Identities Put to the Test of Migration: The Case of Russian Homosexuals and Bisexuals in France and Canada
(Identities Put to the Test of Migration: The Case of Russian Homosexuals and Bisexuals in France and Canada)
- Author(s):Katia Hartmann
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:35-37
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Identities; Test of Migration; Russian; Homosexuals; Bisexuals; France; Canada;
- Summary/Abstract:The project to realize this research has become me for reasons that are both political and personal. On the political level, it must be remembered that in 2013, following the adoption of the law against the “propaganda of homosexuality” in St. Petersburg, amendments have been made to the federal law on the “Protection of children against information that influence their health and development”. The law against the “propaganda of non-traditional relations among minors”, adopted than, banishes any encouragement of relations between same-sex people. Following these legislative changes and the increase of discrimination and violence, more and more LGBT people have arisen the question: can they stay living in Russia or should they leave? On the personal level, in 2012, I became a volunteer of the association called Alliance of heterosexuals and LGBT for equality. By participating in public actions, I lived all the danger of “legalized” homophobia: physical aggression, moral harassment, lack of legal protection. In other words, all that people who claim equality and tolerance in totalitarian Russia.
Life Stories of Three Syrian Migrant Women in Turkey: Rights and Gender Equality Experiences
Life Stories of Three Syrian Migrant Women in Turkey: Rights and Gender Equality Experiences
(Life Stories of Three Syrian Migrant Women in Turkey: Rights and Gender Equality Experiences)
- Author(s):Hulya Sahin Erbektas
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Gender Studies
- Page Range:39-42
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:forced migration; women rights; gender equality; life story;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper includes the life stories of three women who migrated to Turkey from Syria through forced migration. Thoughts of Syrian women, who participated in the research, related to gender roles and gender equality; and their gains in new rights and new freedom fields provided by civil rights after coming to Turkey are discussed based on the participants' standpoints. This research uses one of the qualitative data collection techniques "life story". Life stories of these women consist of their life in Syria, migration process and their life in Turkey. This paper contains answers to these questions: "What is the life story method", "What are the contributions of life story method to the feminist standpoint approach, and to the participants who share their story"
Recognition and Exercise of the Social Right to Education. Challenges and Opportunities in a Multicultural Inclusion Perspective
Recognition and Exercise of the Social Right to Education. Challenges and Opportunities in a Multicultural Inclusion Perspective
(Recognition and Exercise of the Social Right to Education. Challenges and Opportunities in a Multicultural Inclusion Perspective)
- Author(s):Elena Girasella
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Education, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:43-47
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Social Right to Education; Challenges; Opportunities; Multicultural Inclusion Perspective;
- Summary/Abstract:The slight increase in the number of refugees who had access to university education in 2019 is far from the UNHCR's target of the inclusion of 15% of the refugee population in tertiary education by 2030 (UNHCR, 2019) and it is reasonable to assume that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic will explain its negative effects even in this topic. This work is intended to contribute to the affirmation of the right to education as a social right. The contribution is based on the assumption that the enhancement of the knowledge and skills of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers represents one of the main levers of inclusion and development. Investing in education and facilitating access to the highest levels of education not only guarantees full personal development but it also generates indisputable added value to the entire community. The assessment of a positive impact that goes beyond the private sphere is justified by the quantity and quality of the migration flows in this century. Notwithstanding these simple remarks, the choice to undertake an educational path is still residual. It is, in fact, one of the most difficult paths to deal with, starting from the problem of demonstrating the level of previous studies by the documents. Regardless of age, precondition, motivation and expectations, the reception system implemented by the host countries causes the loss of the background of knowledge and skills which, on the contrary, should be recognised and further supported. The chosen point of view looks at the migration phenomenon as a matter of high political value, it can be ascribed to the capacity of institutions to guarantee sustainability and inclusion, through processes that, first of all, enhance human resources brought by the migration phenomenon and, moreover, that include in the social system people of different cultures and languages. The level of inclusion of immigrants is certainly related especially to the politics and legislative acts that the legal system adopts to overcome cultural, ideological and religious differences. In this framework, it must be considered that the concept of integration does not correspond to that of homologation and that the government intervention will be all the more effective the more it will be able to ensure coexistence and compatibility between different cultures, through its different institutional structures, within the constitutional principle of pluralism and that of equality, and, at the same time, guaranteeing to the immigrants an adequate level of rights, especially the social ones. Looking at the Italian university system we will try to give an account of its most recent evolution in the indicated direction. To do this, we will consider the legal framework and we will examine how it leads to the necessity to expand the sphere of social rights to be recognised to the individuals, besides any status linked to citizenship. Lastly, by illustrating the main experiences emerging from the Italian context, we will examine the way the contribution of universities in favour of the inclusion of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers is expected to become increasingly important.
La Protection Juridique Internationale Des Migrants (PJIM)
La Protection Juridique Internationale Des Migrants (PJIM)
(The International Legal Protection of Migrants)
- Author(s):Ali El Mhamdi
- Language:French
- Subject(s):International Law, Migration Studies
- Page Range:49-54
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:La Protection Juridique Internationale; Migrants (PJIM);
- Summary/Abstract:Le migrant désigne une personne qui quitte son pays d'origine pour s'installer de manière temporaire ou permanente dans un pays dont elle n'a pas la nationalité.
Visual Representations of the Refugee Experience from Those Experiencing It. A Case Study of Refugees From Syria into Greece
Visual Representations of the Refugee Experience from Those Experiencing It. A Case Study of Refugees From Syria into Greece
(Visual Representations of the Refugee Experience from Those Experiencing It. A Case Study of Refugees From Syria into Greece)
- Author(s):Anastasia Chalkia, Joanna Tsiganou, Martha Lembesi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies
- Page Range:55-63
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Visual Representations; Refugee Experience; Refugees; Syria; Greece;
- Summary/Abstract:The usual tools we, the sociologists, use in our study of the social experience are based on transcribing textualised information to meaningful knowledge. However, within the mounting vein of visual sociology new means have been added,1 which when used solely or additionally, might help us to comprehend more fully narratives of life experiences.2 Our paper focuses on the travelling and host experiences into Greece of refugees from Syria. It is based on a qualitative research conducted in 2019-2020 with Syrian refugees incomers to Greece. It is in the scope of our paper to address the framing of the refugee experience not only in terms of the discourse resulting out from the face-to-faceinterviews with our research population but mainly in terms of the visual representations of the refugee experience as exhibited in their own photographs.
İslam Kültür Tarihinde Göçün Etkisi: İlk Dönem Kur’an Yorum Çalışmaları Bağlamında Bir İnceleme
İslam Kültür Tarihinde Göçün Etkisi: İlk Dönem Kur’an Yorum Çalışmaları Bağlamında Bir İnceleme
(The Effect of Migration in the History of Islamic Culture: A Study in the Context of Early Qur'anic Interpretation Studies)
- Author(s):Ömer Dinç
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):History, Islam studies, Migration Studies
- Page Range:65-68
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Islam; Date; culture; migration; Quran;
- Summary/Abstract:İslam dininin ilk dönemlerden itibaren geniş coğrafyalara yayılmasının temel etkenleri arasında göç unsurunun bulunduğunu söylememiz gerekir. Hz. Peygamber’in Mekke’den Medine’ye, ilk Müslümanların Habeşistan’a gerçekleştirdikleri yolcukları dikkate aldığımızda, İslam’ın daha etkili ve hızlı bir şekilde yayılmasına göçün tesir ettiğini tarihsel bir gerçeklik olarak ifade edilebiliriz. Bunun yanında Hz. Peygamber dönemi sonrasında, Müslümanların çeşitli şehir ve bölgelere göç etmek suretiyle, genelde İslam dinini insanlara tebliğ etmeleri, özelde ise dinî kültürün oluşması bakımından Kur’an’ı açıklama ve izah faaliyetlerini icra ettikleri görülür. Bu faaliyetlerin İslam’ın Arap yarımadası dışındaki pek çok coğrafyada kabul edilmesine olanak sağladığı gibi, aynı zamanda Müslümanların kültürel yapılanmalarının giderek yaygınlık kazanmasına önayak olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Özellikle Kur’an’ın yorumlanması sürecinde önde gelen pek çok sahabînin, değişik yerlere gitmek suretiyle kendi çizgileri ekseninde birer tefsir ekolü oluşturduklarını görmekteyiz. Ayrıca bu bölgelerdeki Müslümanların, Kur’an’ın açıklanması ve yorumlanmasına ilişkin kendilerine gelen sahabîlerden aldıkları bilgileri, başka coğrafyalara gitmek suretiyle aktardıkları ve bu durumun Kur’an’ın açıklanması faaliyetleri bağlamında bir gelenek haline geldiğini belirtmeliyiz.
The Covid-19 Pandemic and Syrian Women Refugees from a Gender Perspective
The Covid-19 Pandemic and Syrian Women Refugees from a Gender Perspective
(The Covid-19 Pandemic and Syrian Women Refugees from a Gender Perspective)
- Author(s):Senem Gürkan, Erkan Perşembe
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies
- Page Range:69-81
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Covid-19; Pandemic; Syrian Women Refugees; Gender Perspective; Syrian; Women; Refugees;
- Summary/Abstract:The last days of 2019 brought some dramatic changes in all facet of our lives. The world faced with coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which was declared as “pandemic” on March 11, 2020 by The World Health Organization and on the same date, the first case was seen in Turkey (SB, 2020; WHO, 2020). The pandemic had unprecedented impacts all over the world and undoubtedly affected each and every individual, bringing new practices and changes in social life, called “new normal” (Akca and TepeKüçükoğlu, 2020). These impacts can be seen both during the downturn and the subsequent recovery period, constituting the major aspect of the sociology of COVID-19.
Göç Aydınlanma Sağlar mı? Karşılaşma ve Yüzleşme Pratiği Olarak Göç ve Kimliğin Dönüşümü
Göç Aydınlanma Sağlar mı? Karşılaşma ve Yüzleşme Pratiği Olarak Göç ve Kimliğin Dönüşümü
(Does Migration Bring Enlightenment? Immigration and Transformation of Identity as Encounter and Confrontation Practice)
- Author(s):Mehmet Evkuran
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Migration Studies, Asylum, Refugees, Migration as Policy-fields
- Page Range:83-89
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Religion; identity; immigration; religious identities; cultural differences; harmony
- Summary/Abstract:Toplumsal sorunların çözümünde dinden yararlanmak mümkün müdür? Eğer mümkünse nasıl? Dinlerin ve inançların merkezi sayılan Ortadoğu, günümüzde dünyanın en kaotik coğrafyası haline gelmiştir. Savaşlar, istikrarsız yapılar, radikalizm sosyal hayatı çoktandır tehdit etmeye başlamıştır. Bu sürecin en önemli sonuçlarında biri kitlesel göçlerdir. Göç İslam dünyasında kültürel ve politik olduğu kadar dinsel etkileşimi de arttırdı. Üst kimlik olarak İslam’a vurgu yaparak sorunları çözmeye çalışmak bir dereceye kadar yararlı olabilir. Ancak bu yaklaşım kültürel farklılaşmalardan kaynaklanan sorunların çözümünde yetersiz kalacak gibi görünüyor. Bu çalışmada kültür ve kimlik sorunlarının çözümünde din-göç eksenindeki sorunlar tartışılmıştır.
Salgın Döneminde Uzaktan Eğitim ve Yabancı Uyruklu Öğrenciler-Çorum İl Merkezi Örneği
Salgın Döneminde Uzaktan Eğitim ve Yabancı Uyruklu Öğrenciler-Çorum İl Merkezi Örneği
(Distance Education and Foreign Students in the Epidemic Period-The Example of Çorum City Center)
- Author(s):Yakup Çoştu
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Higher Education , Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:91-96
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Epidemic Period; Distance Learning; Foreign Students; Corum;
- Summary/Abstract:2020 yılı başından itibaren COVID 19 salgını tüm dünyada hızlı bir şekilde yayılım göstermiş ve başta sağlık alanı olmak üzere ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel hayatın tüm alanlarında önemli değişim ve dönüşümlerin yaşanmasına neden olmuştur. Günümüzde yaşanan salgının etkilediği alanlarından biri de eğitim alanı olmuştur. Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı, Sağlık Bakanlığının tavsiyeleri doğrultusunda, hastalığın yayılım hızının artma ve yavaşlamasına göre örgün eğitimde birtakım uygulamaları yürürlüğe koymuştur. Bu uygulamaların başında ise, uzaktan eğitim modeli yer almaktadır. Bu model, öğrencilerin zaman ve mekân bağlamında birbirlerinden ve öğrenme kaynaklarından uzak olmayı içermektedir. Çeşitli kitle iletişim imkanları üzerinden yürütülen bu eğitim modelinde, eğitimsel kaynaklara ulaşabilme ya da onlardan yararlanma eşitliğinde ciddi sorunların ortay
Anti-Immigrant Narratives in Times of Real Crisis. An Automated Content Analysis of Italian Political Communication on Social Media
Anti-Immigrant Narratives in Times of Real Crisis. An Automated Content Analysis of Italian Political Communication on Social Media
(Anti-Immigrant Narratives in Times of Real Crisis. An Automated Content Analysis of Italian Political Communication on Social Media)
- Author(s):Anita Gottlob, Luca Serafini
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Media studies, Migration Studies
- Page Range:97-101
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Anti-Immigrant; Narratives; Real Crisis; Italian; Political; Communication; Social Media;
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper, we explore how the narrative on immigration changes when society is threatened by ‘real’ risks, i.e., during the COVID-19 health crisis. We compared the salience and engagement of posts published on Facebook between December 2019 and November 2020 by politicians and by the Italian news media; post selection used a dictionary related to immigration. Along with prior research on anti-immigration narratives, we also operationalized risk narratives on immigration by constructing a second dictionary for post selection. Our findings suggest that the political discourse and risk narratives on immigration decreased during times of ‘tangible crisis’ for right-wing populist parties and news media.
From Here to the Border, I’m Mexican, and from the Border over There I’m American: A Look Inside Return Migration and Its Complexities
From Here to the Border, I’m Mexican, and from the Border over There I’m American: A Look Inside Return Migration and Its Complexities
(From Here to the Border, I’m Mexican, and from the Border over There I’m American: A Look Inside Return Migration and Its Complexities)
- Author(s):Irasema Mora Pablo, M. Martha Lengeling
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies
- Page Range:103-106
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Border; Mexican; American; Migration;
- Summary/Abstract:Mexico and the United States have a long history of two bordering countries living together and separately. Within Mexico, Guanajuato is the third state which has the most returnees coming back to Mexico (INEGI, 2010). This movement of people between the two countries has its pros and cons. In the University of Guanajuato, a large public university, we have seen this influx of return migration in our student population of BA in English language teaching (ELT). These young people are multicultural, and they have come back to Mexico with a substantial range of knowledge, practices, as well as linguistic and cultural experiences. Yet their return is not always easy for them, and they find a place within our BA as a way to fit themselves within Mexico. They are often seen as an outsider in their own native country and may even experience negativity when coming back.
Integration Challenges of Pakistani Diaspora into West European Societies: A Gender Sensitive Analysis with A Focus on Germany
Integration Challenges of Pakistani Diaspora into West European Societies: A Gender Sensitive Analysis with A Focus on Germany
(Integration Challenges of Pakistani Diaspora into West European Societies: A Gender Sensitive Analysis with A Focus on Germany)
- Author(s):Sadaf Mahmood, Beatrice Knerr, Izhar Ahmad Khan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies, Social Norms / Social Control
- Page Range:107-110
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Social Integration; Pakistani diaspora; German;
- Summary/Abstract:In the 21st century, the integration of immigrants has become a major challenge for the European Union Countries as a large share of the immigrants preferred to stay there. Thus, poor integration is challenging for both, the immigrants and the host society. The researcher intended to rigorously study the integration challenges of Pakistani immigrants residing in Germany. For that purpose, a survey was conducted with 264 Pakistanis, 50% of them were females, above 18 years of age, and living in Germany for more than three months on a legal status was inclusion criteria. Human capital remained an important factor for integration.
Experiences of Social and Psychological Adaptation and Identity Formation of Second-Generation Immigrant Turkish Students in North Cyprus: Preliminary Results
Experiences of Social and Psychological Adaptation and Identity Formation of Second-Generation Immigrant Turkish Students in North Cyprus: Preliminary Results
(Experiences of Social and Psychological Adaptation and Identity Formation of Second-Generation Immigrant Turkish Students in North Cyprus: Preliminary Results)
- Author(s):Ayşenur Talat Zrilli, Şerif Türkkal Yenigüç
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Psychology, Migration Studies
- Page Range:111-114
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:study; focus; processes; social; psychological; adaptation and identity formation; university; students; North Cyprus; migrant background;
- Summary/Abstract:This study focuses on the processes of social and psychological adaptation and identity formation of university students in North Cyprus who have a migrant background, namely those who have at least one Turkish parent who migrated from Turkey and settled in North Cyprus after 1975. It aims at identifying this population’s acculturation strategies (Berry, 1997) and identity styles (Berzonsky, 2004) as well as exploring the relationship between the two by drawing on semi-structured in-depth interviews.
“Brain Drain” Migration as A Consequence of Corruption in The Republic of Kosova
“Brain Drain” Migration as A Consequence of Corruption in The Republic of Kosova
(“Brain Drain” Migration as A Consequence of Corruption in The Republic of Kosova)
- Author(s):Adrianit Ibrahimi, Besa Arifi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies, Corruption - Transparency - Anti-Corruption
- Page Range:115-119
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Corruption; Brain drain; Kosovo;
- Summary/Abstract:Over 344.660 people have left Kosovo only during 2008-2018. The average education level of them was higher than of the resident population, resulting in a significant brain drain from Kosovo during the past decade. On the other hand, the struggle against corruption still continues. Therefore,corruption is among the main push factors for brain drain migration from Kosovo. Germany remains the most preferred final destination for Kosovo migrants meanwhile the most damaged sectors from brain drain are the health sector, the IT sector, the construction sector, the social workers, and the craftsman.
“The Young and The Restless”: Second Generation Chinese Migrants in Thessaloniki
“The Young and The Restless”: Second Generation Chinese Migrants in Thessaloniki
(“The Young and The Restless”: Second Generation Chinese Migrants in Thessaloniki)
- Author(s):Georgia Sarikoudi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies
- Page Range:121-124
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Young; Restless; Second Generation; Chinese; Migrants; Thessaloniki;
- Summary/Abstract:This presentation is a part of my postdoctoral research that is still in progress and regard the study of the “Second Generation of Immigrants from Albania and China living in Thessaloniki” and is funded by the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY). The aim of the research is to study the dynamics of the formation of the second generation, the interaction and conflicts with compatriots and their wider social environment, their relations with their place of origin, their degree of integration into Greek society and their plans for the future. Today though, I will focus only on Chinese families and the way young immigrants form their identity in a transnational world.
Measurement of Ethnic Diversity and Its Effect with The Recent in-Migration Rate
Measurement of Ethnic Diversity and Its Effect with The Recent in-Migration Rate
(Measurement of Ethnic Diversity and Its Effect with The Recent in-Migration Rate)
- Author(s):Tiara Maureen
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies
- Page Range:125-129
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Measurement; Ethnic Diversity; effect; Recent in-Migration Rate;
- Summary/Abstract:Ethnic diversity has its appeal to study. Ethnic Fractionalization Index (EFI) and Ethnic Polarization Index (EPOI) are the measurement of ethnic diversity that have been used in research (Taylor & Hudson, 1972; Montalvo & Reynal-Querol, 2005; Reynal-Querol, 2002; Arifin et al., 2015). EFI indicates a degree of fractionalization or ethnic heterogeneity. The EPOI indicates a degree of ethnic polarization probability of conflict that may appear from the presence of large ethnic groups.
Extraterrestrial Migration and The Transportation Model for A Space Colonization and Manufacturing System: Analyzing The Risks of Artificial Orbital Debris Accumulation
Extraterrestrial Migration and The Transportation Model for A Space Colonization and Manufacturing System: Analyzing The Risks of Artificial Orbital Debris Accumulation
(Extraterrestrial Migration and The Transportation Model for A Space Colonization and Manufacturing System: Analyzing The Risks of Artificial Orbital Debris Accumulation)
- Author(s):Stefani Stojchevska
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies, Transport / Logistics
- Page Range:131-142
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Extraterrestrial; Migration; Transportation Model; Space Colonization; Manufacturing System; Analyzing; Risks; Artificial Orbital Debris Accumulation;
- Summary/Abstract:This research examines artificial orbital debris accumulation as a threat to extraterrestrial migration within Earth-orbit subsystems consisted in Wagner’s “Transportation Model for a Space Colonization and Manufacturing System”. The collision hazard to the ESS and SSPSs is analyzed by two factors: [1] orbital region and [2] nature of operations, where a constructive correlation is exhibited between official space environment statistics data analysis and collision hazard probability-related calculations. Kessler Syndrome predictions are additionally analyzed regarding the near-Earth components of Wagner’s model, with the ESS in particular consideration.
Aporofobia Y Nacionalismo: El Rechazo Hacia El Inmigrante (Pobre)
Aporofobia Y Nacionalismo: El Rechazo Hacia El Inmigrante (Pobre)
(Aporophobia and Nationalism: The Rejection of the (Poor) Immigrant)
- Author(s):Laura Natalia Rodríguez Ariano
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Asylum, Refugees, Migration as Policy-fields
- Page Range:143-147
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Aporophobia; Nationalism; Rejection of the (Poor) Immigrant;
- Summary/Abstract:Gran parte de las migraciones del siglo XXI son forzosas y no van en busca de un sueño, suerte y fortuna, buscan de un trabajo, huyen de sus países de origen debido a los problemas políticos, sociales y económicos.
Perspectives of Migrations From Central America and Mexico To The United States Under The New Biden Government
Perspectives of Migrations From Central America and Mexico To The United States Under The New Biden Government
(Perspectives of Migrations From Central America and Mexico To The United States Under The New Biden Government)
- Author(s):Selene Gaspar Olvera
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies
- Page Range:149-161
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:anti-immigrant policy; deportations; governments; President Trump; militarized; border; asylum; refugee policies; Mexico; Central America; regional immigration; security policies; migratory;
- Summary/Abstract:After four years of his anti-immigrant policy, which continued the deportations from previous governments, President Trump militarized the border, expanded the wall's construction, dismantled the asylum and refugee policies, and subordinated Mexico and Central America to his regional immigration and security policies, which significantly reduced migratory flows from these countries and accentuated the double crisis of both Covid-19 and the economic collapse in the region. The arrival of the new government creates the possibility of reestablishing collaboration mechanisms between countries in the management of migratory flows with a human rights approach to restore access to asylum and refuge, reverse the separation of families, stop the construction of the wall and participate in a proposal for economic development in Central America with a US $ 4 billion investment that affects the structural causes of migration.
Masculinities at The Crossroad: War, Migration and Urban Poverty in the Case of Syrian Men In Ankara
Masculinities at The Crossroad: War, Migration and Urban Poverty in the Case of Syrian Men In Ankara
(Masculinities at The Crossroad: War, Migration and Urban Poverty in the Case of Syrian Men In Ankara)
- Author(s):Saeid Mozafari, Halime Ünal Reşitoğlu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Migration Studies
- Page Range:163-166
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Masculinities; Crisis; Forced Migration; Urban Poverty; Syrian War;
- Summary/Abstract:This study by focusing on the Syrian refugee men living in Ankara’s lower-class neighborhoods aims to draw an image of the impacts of the crucial conditions such as the war, the forced migration and the poverty on their masculinities. In this context, this study intends to answer the following questions: What are the forms of masculinities in crises and how are they perceived by Syrian men? How new masculinities are mediated through the conditions of forced migration and urban poverty in the case of Syrian refugee men in some neighborhoods in Ankara? This fieldwork uses qualitative research methods such as in-depth interviews with Syrian refugee men in Ankara.
Gender Differences in Post-Crisis Emigrations From Spain
Gender Differences in Post-Crisis Emigrations From Spain
(Gender Differences in Post-Crisis Emigrations From Spain)
- Author(s):Sandra Lopez-Pereiro
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Migration Studies
- Page Range:167-171
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Spanish emigration; gender differences; Intra-European Migration; precarity; reasons for migrating;
- Summary/Abstract:The Great Recession and its further consequences activated new emigration flows from Spain which did not stop with the signs of recovery. The general situation of job insecurity and unemployment seems to be one of the main triggers of this flow, and it does not affect men and women in the same way. Knowing that the point of departure is not the same, this research aims to explore the gender differences in trajectories, motivations, and discourses of the Spanish migrants who left the country after de crisis and onwards. The results show that gender still matters, also in destination, and that it is necessary to focus future research in precarity, care-giving and maternity.
Representations of The Holy Land: The Impressions of Filipinos and Indonesians of Living and Working in Saudi Arabia
Representations of The Holy Land: The Impressions of Filipinos and Indonesians of Living and Working in Saudi Arabia
(Representations of The Holy Land: The Impressions of Filipinos and Indonesians of Living and Working in Saudi Arabia)
- Author(s):Simeon S. Magliveras, Sumanto Al Qurtuby
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Labor relations, Migration Studies
- Page Range:173-178
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Representations; Holy Land; Impressions; Filipinos; Indonesians; Living; Working; Saudi Arabia;
- Summary/Abstract:Focusing on both professional and “unskilled” Filipino and Indonesian expatriate laborers in Saudi Arabia, this paper examines how these two transnational communities envisage their lives in the Kingdom. Saudi Arabia’s Filipinos and Indonesians are remarkable because (1) the groups are the largest Southeast Asian transnationals population in the Kingdom and (2) Filipinos are primarily Christian while Indonesians are generally Muslim. This paper explores the different imaginations and impressions about Saudi Arabia. Moreover, Indonesia and the Philippines share similar geographies, parallel colonial pasts, and contemporarily, use immigration as a development strategy. Saudi Arabia is a magnet for Filipinos and Indonesians because it affords them relatively high salaries, economic prosperity, political stability, and for Muslims, access to Makkah and Madinah. This paper studies (1) underlying motives of Filipinos and Indonesians in the Kingdom, and (2) their perceptions about their Saudi experience.
New Patterns of Migration in Mediterranean: North-South
New Patterns of Migration in Mediterranean: North-South
(New Patterns of Migration in Mediterranean: North-South)
- Author(s):Boutaina Ismaili Idrissi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies
- Page Range:179-183
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:North South, Foreign migration; Morocco; determinants; socioeconomic integration;
- Summary/Abstract:The foreign migration to Morocco, mainly Spanish and French, has deep historical roots. Fueled by economic, social and cultural reasons since the mid-20th century, this phenomenon gained momentum recently in the aftermath of the 2008-2009 economic crisis.The paper tries to shed light on this new form of migration, its dynamics and features and to what extent it is due to structural or cyclical factors. It tackles, also, key policy responses to be implemented by so as to grasp the opportunities associated with this type of migration.
Determinants of Migration From Rural Households in India: An Empirical Investigation
Determinants of Migration From Rural Households in India: An Empirical Investigation
(Determinants of Migration From Rural Households in India: An Empirical Investigation)
- Author(s):Shreya Nupur, Meghna Dutta
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies, Asylum, Refugees, Migration as Policy-fields
- Page Range:185-189
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:India; Human; development; determinants; migration; India; Empirical Investigation;
- Summary/Abstract:Using India Human development survey (IHDS), unique nationally representative dataset of Indian households, this study aims to examine the determinants of migration from ‘rural poor households’ in India. Migration is an important livelihood diversification strategy to mitigate potential risks, such as crop failure, major illness, job loss etc., in rural areas. The result from binary logistic regression suggests that household demographic characteristics, household resources, debt, caste group, education level, shock such as marriage or major illness in the household and public transfers are major factors to determine the migration from rural poor households. The possible implication would be to focus on the migration strategy taking by poor households, as poor migrants work in vulnerable and exploitative condition at destination place, so they require especial attention and need to be covered in social security scheme.
Reframing Migrancy Through Intersectional Analysis: Conceptualizing The Embodiment of Migration Experience From The Mexican-United States Migration Field Framework
Reframing Migrancy Through Intersectional Analysis: Conceptualizing The Embodiment of Migration Experience From The Mexican-United States Migration Field Framework
(Reframing Migrancy Through Intersectional Analysis: Conceptualizing The Embodiment of Migration Experience From The Mexican-United States Migration Field Framework)
- Author(s):Renato de Almeida Arão Galhardi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Literary Texts, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, Geography, Regional studies, Library and Information Science, Sociology
- Page Range:191-195
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Mexico; United States; migration; migrancy;
- Summary/Abstract:Mexico-United States migration research rarely use the concept migrancy and migration analysis has often used migrancy “out of context”. By reviewing the usages of migrancy, I argue that migrancy is better understood as the embodiment of the experience of migration. I reason that the experience of migration is best captured through intersectional analysis. By addressing gender, ethnicity and class, migrancy can recapture migrant agency and bridge the gap between micro and macro analysis. Within the Mexico-United States migratory field, I argue that migrancy is a powerful concept that addresses the structuring forces that shape migrant experiences without sacrificing migrant agency.
‘Home’ And ‘Homeland’ as Mobile Places: Re-Examining The Term Country of Origin in Migration Studies
‘Home’ And ‘Homeland’ as Mobile Places: Re-Examining The Term Country of Origin in Migration Studies
(‘Home’ And ‘Homeland’ as Mobile Places: Re-Examining The Term Country of Origin in Migration Studies)
- Author(s):Maria Panteleou
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies, Asylum, Refugees, Migration as Policy-fields
- Page Range:197-200
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:home; homeland; Albanian migrants; mobilities;
- Summary/Abstract:The following presentation examines how the perception of ‘home’ and ‘homeland’ is not related tothe country of origin in migration studies, if we take into account the temporal and subjective factor that migrants themselves attribute to these perceptions. Using material from anthropological fieldwork with Albanian migrants, who lived and worked in Greece since the 1990s, moving temporally to Albania in the 2010s, it demonstrates, on the one hand, how they express their perspective regarding their ‘home’ and ‘homeland’ as a foreign place. On the other hand, it shows how the temporal family visits that Albanians welcome in Greece bring the sense of ‘home’ itself together in Greece. The presentation concludes that the term country of origin defines migrants in advance by a spatial notion, whereas the subjective conceptualizations of the ‘home’ and ‘homeland’ show primarily that they are mobile, secondly that they make sense for Albanians through the temporal, relational and experiential dimension of the place.
Giving A Voice to Immigrants. Tensions and Paradoxes in Participatory Theatre (Turin, Italy)
Giving A Voice to Immigrants. Tensions and Paradoxes in Participatory Theatre (Turin, Italy)
(Giving A Voice to Immigrants. Tensions and Paradoxes in Participatory Theatre (Turin, Italy))
- Author(s):Francesca Quercia
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies
- Page Range:201-204
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:cultural and urban policies; working-class neighborhoods, minoritization; ethnicization; culturalization;
- Summary/Abstract:Over the last thirty years, with the redefinition of cultural and urban policies, artists have been assigned social missions: strengthening social ties, contributing to breaking down barriers in working-class neighborhoods, and integrating immigrants. This process has taken place in many European countries, including Italy. As part of urban renewal programs, many theatre associations have become involved in working-class neighborhoods. They have created art projects involving immigrants, with a dual purpose of “integration” and “empowerment”. Based on an ethnographic study in a theatreassociation, this article illustrates how its director tried to empower immigrants, but was faced with a set of contradictions. Despite her antiracial beliefs, she ended up contributing to the minoritization of immigrants. This process confines minorities to a radical otherness over which they have little power.
The Future of Differences in A World of Migrations
The Future of Differences in A World of Migrations
(The Future of Differences in A World of Migrations)
- Author(s):Orazio Maria Gnerre
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies, Asylum, Refugees, Migration as Policy-fields
- Page Range:205-209
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Future; world; migrations; communicating; economic;
- Summary/Abstract:1. Talking about differences with respect to the migration issue could be, for the same reasons, taken for granted or confusing, since we are used to considering the migratory phenomenon as one of those events that relate various human groups, thus promoting not only the encounter between cultures, but also their hybridization and resulting in the flowering of differences. It is also known to most that migrations are often a product of huge economic differences that occur in various sectors of our planet and that cause the displacement of human masses. However, it is not only the intranational differences that produce the displacement of these masses, but also the international ones within what Wallerstein called the economy of the world-system1. Finally, migrations also produce and multiply the internal differences within the host countries: they can both affect the fragmentation of the social-cultural fabric, which is divided into enclaves and cultural groups that are not very communicating, and, once again, the increase in economic differences.
Migration Diplomacy: A New Way to Bargain
Migration Diplomacy: A New Way to Bargain
(Migration Diplomacy: A New Way to Bargain)
- Author(s):Melek Özlem Ayas
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics, Migration Studies
- Page Range:211-213
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:International Migration; Diplomacy; Migration Diplomacy;
- Summary/Abstract:The concepts of migration and diplomacy are frequently in connection with each other. This study, which focuses on the concept of migration diplomacy, has been prepared primarily to reveal the principals of this concept. In order to properly explain its principals, firstly, following questions were asked: “What is migration diplomacy?” and “Is migration diplomacy useful as a tool in international relations?” A comprehensive literature review was conducted to answer these questions. It is aimed first to define the concept in question and then to determine its place in the international relations.
The Path of Remittances to Consumption or Saving! Albania Case Study
The Path of Remittances to Consumption or Saving! Albania Case Study
(The Path of Remittances to Consumption or Saving! Albania Case Study)
- Author(s):Nevila Mehmetaj
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Migration Studies
- Page Range:215-220
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Remittances; Albania; emigration; economy; mechanism; development;
- Summary/Abstract:Since the change of the political systems in the 1990-s in Albania, massive emigration has been a continuous phenomenon of different scales in Albania. The outflow migration phenomenon is associated with inflow of financial resources to the origin families. Remittances have been a vital financial source of living for a considerable number of households. Therefore they constitute an important financial mechanism for the funding of the country's economy. Empirical studies perform in the field suggest contradictory results as remittances do not have uniform macroeconomic effects from country to country or across time. Empirical regression analysis on emerging economies, with long-period data, suggest both that there is a positive impact of remittances on country economic growth; while others confirm a negative relation effect of remittances on the country’s economic development. The analysis further reveal that remittances diminish macroeconomic volatility through smoothing aggregate consumption.Based on this, naturally, it is raised the question: is any impact of remittances in the macroeconomic gears of Albania country? Therefore it is the purpose of this paper to analyze the effect of the Albanian emigrant’ remittances on the country-specific macroeconomic variables such as aggregate consumption, national saving (by real variables, in % of GDP), and economic growth rate.
Literature Review on Remittances Utilization in Migrants Home Countries
Literature Review on Remittances Utilization in Migrants Home Countries
(Literature Review on Remittances Utilization in Migrants Home Countries)
- Author(s):Eugene Agoh, Vilmantė Kumpikaitė-Valiūnienė
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Labor relations, Asylum, Refugees, Migration as Policy-fields
- Page Range:221-226
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Remittances; Migration; Remittance’s utilization;
- Summary/Abstract:The Philippines is the highest labour exporter among its neighbours in East and South-East Asia (Pratt, 2018). Consequently, diaspora Filipinos send the equivalent of 34 billion USD as remittances from around the world making the Philippines the third highest remittance receiver in the world just behind India and Mexico (Bank, 2019). These remittances are utilized in various ways proven to positively impact the migrant’s receiving households. Conclusively, remittances play an important role in Philippines households as shown in 17 papers, which focused on evaluating the positive and negative sides of remittances; to the Philippines households are highlighted. Though the case of the Philippines is unique, several other studies show similar results in countries such as Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, India, Vietnam, Ghana, South Africa, Lithuania, Germany, Estonia, Poland etc. This wide variety of remittances utilization motivated this literature review.
The Reflection of Discrimination and Gender on Labour Rights: Syrian Women in Turkey- A Comparative Analysis
The Reflection of Discrimination and Gender on Labour Rights: Syrian Women in Turkey- A Comparative Analysis
(The Reflection of Discrimination and Gender on Labour Rights: Syrian Women in Turkey- A Comparative Analysis)
- Author(s):Aysel Ebru Okten, Itır Aladag Gorentas
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Labor relations, Migration Studies
- Page Range:227-233
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Turkey; Syrians; gender; labour rights; Syrian Women;
- Summary/Abstract:Turkey has been home to displaced Syrians since April 2011. Today Syrian community in Turkey is close to 4 million and women generate 45 % of it. In time, expected temporariness has begun to evolve to permanency and each individual has to find their way through the crisis. Though legal regulations such as Law on Foreigners and International Protection and its Temporary Protection Regulation, European Convention on Human Rights and dubious EU- Turkey Statement of 2016 confer labour rights to some extent, it is of common knowledge that Syrians generally work undocumented and this situation make them even more vulnerable.
Principios De Una Arquitectura Acertada A Las Necesidades De Los Migrantes
Principios De Una Arquitectura Acertada A Las Necesidades De Los Migrantes
(Principles of an Architecture Appropriate to the Needs of Migrants)
- Author(s):Estefany Hernández Gutiérrez
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Architecture, Migration Studies
- Page Range:235-244
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:empathic design; ephemeral architecture; migration; shelters;
- Summary/Abstract:La arquitectura se considera como una de las disciplinas más completas, ya que se abordan en ella aspectos de arte, ciencias y humanidades. Esta última, la convierte en algo sumamente empático (García, 2018, p.11). Es por ello que suele tomarse en cuenta al cliente, con la finalidad de que sus peticiones sean atendidas y acertadas. El término acertado, en la arquitectura, implica realizar el diseño y construcción de manera adecuada para que este tenga un buen efecto hacia el usuario, además, de ser conscientes de que el ser humano tiene necesidades personales. Sin embargo, este conocimiento, que se considera como “default” en la arquitectura, parece ser ignorado o irrelevante en algunos casos, específicamente, en los módulos de emergencia. La arquitectura efímera por emergencia, debe garantizar calidad y capacidad de proporcionar refugio en el menor tiempo posible. En particular, estas soluciones arquitectónicas, están destinadas a albergar, durante un tiempo limitado, a una masa de personas que han migrado debido a una crisis humanitaria o ambiental(Consuegra, 2020). Dicho lo anterior, es relevante cuestionar sobre la existencia de módulos de emergencias que hayan considerado en el proceso de diseño al usuario y su relación con el entorno,y que respetaran la premisa de la arquitectura (sobre cubrir las necesidades personales) junto con la rapidez y urgencia que se le debe dar al mismo. Ahora bien, se plantea una interrogante: ¿Cuáles fueron las experiencias de diseño más acertadas de los módulos de emergencia? Para responder esta pregunta, se llevó a cabo una recolección de datos en la que se investigaron como casos de estudios varios proyectos de arquitectura modular por contextos de emergencia. Posteriormente, se clasificaron y analizaron los datos según indicadores clave que deben tener por ser arquitectura efímera por emergencia (Equipo Editorial, 2017). Para corroborar estos indicadores, se realizaron dos entrevistas, acerca de la migración, sus razones y posibles alternativas, a expertos que han presenciado el fenómeno de la migración desde el puesto de director de una Casa del Migrante en Ciudad Juárez, y una arquitecta y cofundadora de un taller donde son partícipes migrantes, en su mayoría africanos, en Berlín. En conclusión, la arquitectura, además de poder ofrecer un módulo efímero funcional y seguro, tiene la capacidad de aportar a la restauración de la dignidad y bienestar físico-emocional de refugiados y migrantes. Por esto, es indispensable desarrollar proyectos que cumplan con los principios de protección, que atiendan las necesidades básicas de manera higiénica, que respeten la diversidad cultural y que establezcan un diálogo tanto con la población refugiada y migrante, como con el lugar.
La Influencia Del Diseño Arquitectónico En El Bienestar De Los Migrantes Refugiados
La Influencia Del Diseño Arquitectónico En El Bienestar De Los Migrantes Refugiados
(The Influence of Architectural Design on the Wellbeing of Refugee Migrants)
- Author(s):Laura Martínez
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Architecture, Migration Studies
- Page Range:245-251
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:The Influence of Architectural Design; Migrants; Refugees;
- Summary/Abstract:A lo largo de los años, se han buscado soluciones de viviendas y sistemas para los campos de refugiados, sin embargo, ninguna ha resultado exitosa del todo. Lo que lleva a cuestionarse ¿cómo el diseño arquitectónico influye en el bienestar de los migrantes? Para esto se realizó una investigación basada en casos de estudio del campo de la Ciudad de Kakuma y el campo de refugiados en Zataari, Jordania. Estos campos serán calificados según los indicadores establecidos por la Organización para la Cooperación y Desarrollo Económicos. Los resultados del análisis evidenciaron que los ámbitos urbanos, económicos y sociales son de gran valor para su bienestar.
La Arquitectura Bioclimática Como Aliada Para El Bienestar De Migrantes:Estudio En Climas Áridos Y Fronterizos (Chihuahua, México)
La Arquitectura Bioclimática Como Aliada Para El Bienestar De Migrantes:Estudio En Climas Áridos Y Fronterizos (Chihuahua, México)
(Bioclimatic Architecture as an Ally for the Welfare of Migrants: Study in Arid and Border Climates (Chihuahua, Mexico))
- Author(s):Jacqueline Beltrán Palomares
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Welfare services, Environmental interactions, Migration Studies
- Page Range:253-264
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Quality of life; strategies; services;
- Summary/Abstract:De 100 personas que llegan a Chihuahua, 93 pretenden cruzar a Estados Unidos (INEGI).¿Cómo puede la arquitectura bioclimática ayudar a casas de migrantes en Chihuahua aofrecer mejores soluciones de hospedaje?Se analizaron dos edificaciones bajo: el aprovechamiento solar de los edificios, cuánto seinvierte en ellos y los termopreferendums de los migrantes.Se evidenciaron las pocas o nulas estrategias bioclimáticas en ambas edificaciones. A pesar delesfuerzo de los administradores, se expone el por qué se logran parcialmente los niveles de confort de los migrantes y que la gestión financiera de la casa se ve afectada intentando alcanzarlos
Religious Consciousness in The Context of The Migration Situation: Case of Russia
Religious Consciousness in The Context of The Migration Situation: Case of Russia
(Religious Consciousness in The Context of The Migration Situation: Case of Russia)
- Author(s):Irina Savchenko
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:265-271
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Religious Consciousness; Migration Situation; Case of Russia;
- Summary/Abstract:The largest share of the immigrant community in the regions of central Russia is formed by immigrants from post-Soviet states where Islam is the traditional religion. The shared Soviet past facilitates the mutual integration of immigrants and members of the host community (Taran et al 2016). However, there are significant contradictions in the religious consciousness of migrants and one of the citizens of the host community. The author conducted a survey study and found some trends that are typical not only for Russia, but also for many immigrant countries (Collins-Mayo 2012), (Horwath et al 2008), in the history of which Christianity played a leading role in previous eras.
Understanding The Enablers and Barriers in Health Service Access Among Covid-19-Infected Reffugees in Turkey
Understanding The Enablers and Barriers in Health Service Access Among Covid-19-Infected Reffugees in Turkey
(Understanding The Enablers and Barriers in Health Service Access Among Covid-19-Infected Reffugees in Turkey)
- Author(s):Seyda Eruyar, Hatice Betül Yücekaya, Gökçe Baydoğan, Huriye Tak, Rabia Olucak
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law, Migration Studies
- Page Range:273-277
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:refugee; health service access; enablers; barriers; disease awareness; Covid-19 pandemic;
- Summary/Abstract:This study provides insights on the experiences of Covid-19 Infected refugees in accessing health services in Turkey. Semi-structured interviews were conducted online with 17 adult refugees who were diagnosed with COVID-19 from three distinct of Turkey, i.e. İstanbul, Kahramanmaras, and Konya. Data were analysed through a thematic approach. The results revealed two themes: enablers and barriers. Most participants highlighted that they have no difficulty accessing health services, including having tests, medication, and in-patient care. Fewer participants had difficulty in accessing health services because of registration issues, language barrier and limited knowledge about service utilisation.
River and Memories: Migration, Ecology and Landscape in The Narratives of India’s Partition
River and Memories: Migration, Ecology and Landscape in The Narratives of India’s Partition
(River and Memories: Migration, Ecology and Landscape in The Narratives of India’s Partition)
- Author(s):Anuparna Mukherjee
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental interactions, Migration Studies
- Page Range:279-282
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Migrants’ Literature; Memory; Landscape; 1947-Partition;
- Summary/Abstract:The creative literature that grew out of the event of India’s Partition in 1947, which resulted in the uprooting of nearly twelve million people across the borders not only embodies one of the most significant sites of mourning but also explores the variegated responses to the violence through spatial memories associated with trauma and nostalgia. In Partition Dialogues, Alok Bhalla purports that India’s vivisection into two nation-states, and the subsequent exchange of population based on their religious identities not only dislocated the migrants from their homes but also from their sensory world rife with words like “friendship”, “neighbourhood” with which they had forged strong emotive bonds. So, nostalgia became a cardinal affect underpinning migrant narratives and aesthetics, replete with allusions to the life of abundance amidst the natural environment in the former home(land), as opposed to the cramped spaces of the refugee ghettos that severely ruptured the everyday rituals which gave shape and meaning to home.
Gender, Agency, and The Social Imaginary in Japanese Lifestyle Migration to Europe
Gender, Agency, and The Social Imaginary in Japanese Lifestyle Migration to Europe
(Gender, Agency, and The Social Imaginary in Japanese Lifestyle Migration to Europe)
- Author(s):Yana Yovcheva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Migration Studies
- Page Range:283-286
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Gender; Agency; Social Imaginary; Japanese; Lifestyle; Migration;European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamenta;
- Summary/Abstract:Gender, agency, and the social imaginary all feature prominently in lifestyle migration, but their relationship with one another has hardly been explored. This paper examines the impact gender has on Japanese lifestyle migrants’ engagement with the social imaginary about European destinations and the exercise of agency in subsequent migration decisions. The research finds that Japanese women generally indulge in imagining a life abroad and act on the imagined (i.e., exercise agency) much more freely and resolutely than men do. Also, that imagining a life in (Western) Europe in particular is characteristic of Japanese women, rather than men.
Typology of Remittances and Transnational Ties: Study of Punjabi Families in Netherlands, Gulf and Punjab (India)
Typology of Remittances and Transnational Ties: Study of Punjabi Families in Netherlands, Gulf and Punjab (India)
(Typology of Remittances and Transnational Ties: Study of Punjabi Families in Netherlands, Gulf and Punjab (India))
- Author(s):Atinder Pal Kaur
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Migration Studies
- Page Range:287-290
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Typology; Remittances; Transnational Ties; Punjabi Families; Netherlands; Gulf; Punjab; India;
- Summary/Abstract:Migration gives birth to societies in which families are staying across the borders, resultant growth of transnational families. In these scenarios, remittances play a positive role to overcome economic hardship and improve the social wellbeing of the families left behind. Remittances are usually perceived in economic terms but it has various interpretation according to sender and receivers’ point of view. Sender share an emotional bond that are the foundations of these transactions. Remittances are also a way to maintain sense of belongingness with the families and at the same time to show the identity of being money provider. With this the sender tried to show their presence and maintain strong relation with their families.
My Grate in Migrate: Interrogating The Shades of Multi– in Multiculturalism
My Grate in Migrate: Interrogating The Shades of Multi– in Multiculturalism
(My Grate in Migrate: Interrogating The Shades of Multi– in Multiculturalism)
- Author(s):Sukhpreet Bhatia
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies
- Page Range:291-294
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Migrate; Multiculturalism; international; multicultural;
- Summary/Abstract:Multiculturalism has been defined by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), as the co-existence of diverse cultures, where culture includes racial, religious, or cultural groups and is manifested in customary behaviours, cultural assumptions and values, patterns of thinking, and communicative styles. As the title suggests, the topic of my paper is to investigate the actual picture of the policy of Multiculturalism that has been theoretically adopted by most of the nations of the world, especially the western countries and its impact on the migrants. Earlier these countries had been popularizing the homogenizing notion of “assimilationism”, inherent in the idea of West as a melting pot, but that entailed the view of urban society as a racial hierarchy, giving only the option of conformity to the so-called inferiors and outsiders. This idea had been well-established and widely documented till the 1970s. Since then, various countries had been proposing ways and policies to accommodate ethnic diversity in a liberal atmosphere and projecting themselves as truly multicultural nations.
Complementary Protection Between Human Rights Obligations and Humanitarian Motives: Italian Case Study
Complementary Protection Between Human Rights Obligations and Humanitarian Motives: Italian Case Study
(Complementary Protection Between Human Rights Obligations and Humanitarian Motives: Italian Case Study)
- Author(s):Gabriella Morrone, Maria Teresa Rovitto, Mariella Crisci
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Migration Studies, Asylum, Refugees, Migration as Policy-fields
- Page Range:295-298
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Complementary protection; Human Rights Obligations; Humanitarian Motives; Italian Case Study;
- Summary/Abstract:Complementary protection has emerged over the last decades as a generic label including all such forms of protection used by States to avoid the return of asylum seekers who have failed their claim under the 1951 Geneva Convention but cannot be returned to their countries of origin for various reasons, and in order to comply with their non-refoulement obligation under international law. It may be interpreted as the result of a protection gap deriving from the fact that the Geneva Convention definition of a refugee does not cover the protection needs of all persons – and there might be people needing protection, who nevertheless fall outside the scope of the Convention. There are large discrepancies in States’ understandings of who should benefit from complementary protection: many countries grant complementary protection to those persons who do not qualify for international protection, but cannot be returned to their countries because of binding human rights obligations. Some others allow persons to remain in their territories, on the basis of compassionate or humanitarian grounds. The significance of these humanitarian reasons is discretional and varies from state to state(Feijen, 2021).
Siberia’s Attractiveness for Migrants Evaluated Based on The Human Climatic Niche
Siberia’s Attractiveness for Migrants Evaluated Based on The Human Climatic Niche
(Siberia’s Attractiveness for Migrants Evaluated Based on The Human Climatic Niche)
- Author(s):Amber J. Soja, Elena I. Parfenova, Nadezhda M. Tchebakova, Susan G. Conard
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Energy and Environmental Studies, Migration Studies
- Page Range:299-303
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Siberia; migrants; human; climatic; niche;
- Summary/Abstract:Past human migrations have been associated with climate change. As our civilizations and infrastructure developed, humans depended less on the external environment. Asian Russia is currently sparsely populated, with most of the population in southern regions of forest-steppe where fertile soils support agriculture and climate is reasonably temperate. We used current and predicted climate scenarios from 20 CMIP5 general circulation models to evaluate the potential comfort of climate for human settlement in various landscapes throughout the 21st century. We applied two CO2 Representative Concentration Pathway scenarios, RCP 2.6 representing mild climate change and RCP 8.5 representing more extreme changes, across Asian Russia. We used three climate indices that relate to human well-being: Ecological Landscape Potential, winter severity, and permafrost coverage. Climates predicted by the 2080s over Asian Russia would be warmer and milder without excessive aridity. The permafrost zone is projected to shift to the northeast. Ecological Landscape Potential in the current permafrost zone would increase from 'low' to 'relatively high' with a resulting higher capacity for human populations across Asian Russia. Understanding ecological landscape potential is crucial information for developing viable strategies for long-term economic and social adaptation to changing climate. We also conducted a GIS analysis of population density with climatic layers of warmth, water resources and climate severity. The resulting bioclimatic model Russia explained 38% of current variation in population density. We applied this population model to the RCP 8.5 scenario. Over most of the country, the potential population density would increase, but it would remain low in permafrost regions in Siberia and the Far East by 2080. This contrasts with demographic projections that the population in Russia may decrease by the mid-century from the present 146 million to 92-120 million people. Thus there will be much more suitable habitat than the expected population. This leaves open the possibility for migration from more southern areas where climate has become less tolerable.
Global Warming and Climate Refugees of 21st Century: A Threat Assessment of Sea Level Rise for The Looming Humanitarian Crisis
Global Warming and Climate Refugees of 21st Century: A Threat Assessment of Sea Level Rise for The Looming Humanitarian Crisis
(Global Warming and Climate Refugees of 21st Century: A Threat Assessment of Sea Level Rise for The Looming Humanitarian Crisis)
- Author(s):Ismail Utku Canturk
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Energy and Environmental Studies, Migration Studies
- Page Range:304-307
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Global Warming; refugees; 21st Century; humanitarian crisis;
- Summary/Abstract:Realism is the International Relations (IR) theory that still has the biggest influence over the discipline and policymaking processes. However, trivializing existential threats to states that have non-military origins causes realism to overlook the connections between national, human and environmental security. Focusing its empirical research on “future climate refugees due to sea level rise”, this work asserts the necessity of an eco-centric paradigm shift in realist IR theory in order to propel global policymaking towards taking climate action. The novel discourse of “planetary realism” is presented as a pathway to increase state resilience during the Anthropocene.
Catalyzing Decision Making for Migration and Sustainable Water-Energy-Food Systems - The Texas Case Study
Catalyzing Decision Making for Migration and Sustainable Water-Energy-Food Systems - The Texas Case Study
(Catalyzing Decision Making for Migration and Sustainable Water-Energy-Food Systems - The Texas Case Study)
- Author(s):Konstantinos Pappas
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Energy and Environmental Studies, Migration Studies
- Page Range:309-315
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Catalyzing; migration; water; energy; food systems; The Texas Case Study;
- Summary/Abstract:Water, energy, and food are vital resource systems for human well-being and sustainable development. Pressures on these resources is projected to increase due to population growth, economic development, international trade, urbanization, diet shifts, cultural and technological changes, and climate variability. These societal megatrends continue to pressure already scarce or depleted natural resources, threatening their sustainability and undermining community resilience.
Migración, Acceso A La Salud Y Tics Aprendizajes Frente Al Covid-19
Migración, Acceso A La Salud Y Tics Aprendizajes Frente Al Covid-19
(Migration, Access to Health and Learning ICTs Against Covid-19)
- Author(s):García Zamora Pascual Gerardo, Juan Lamberto Herrera Martínez, Dellanira Ruiz de Chávez Ramírez, Cristina Almeida Perales, Reyes Estrada Claudia Araceli, Christian Starlight Franco Trejo
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law, Migration Studies, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:317-325
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Migration; Health; Human rights; Information and communication technologies;
- Summary/Abstract:La emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19 ha tenido como efecto una negación sistemática de los derechos de las personas migrantes, muchos gobiernos en Latinoamérica, restringieron el movimiento de migrantes en tránsito para intentar disminuir tanto la propagación como el impacto de COVID-19. Tanto el cierre de fronteras y actividades denominadas “no esenciales” derivó en circunstancias donde los migrantes siguen perdiendo apoyos de servicios y redes, empleo, seguridad y protección social, lo que se traduce en la pérdida oportunidades para acceder a una vida digna y regresar a sus países de origen.
LGBTQ Forced Migrants’ Labor Market Integration in Mexico City: Perspectives From Mexican Government Agencies, International Organizations, and Mexican Civil Society
LGBTQ Forced Migrants’ Labor Market Integration in Mexico City: Perspectives From Mexican Government Agencies, International Organizations, and Mexican Civil Society
(LGBTQ Forced Migrants’ Labor Market Integration in Mexico City: Perspectives From Mexican Government Agencies, International Organizations, and Mexican Civil Society)
- Author(s):Rolando Diaz
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Civil Society, Migration Studies, Asylum, Refugees, Migration as Policy-fields
- Page Range:327-330
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Lgbtq; Migrant; Labor Market; Mexico City; International Organizations; Mexican; Mexican Civil Society;
- Summary/Abstract:Mexico’s increasingly diverse migration patterns, from Spanish Republicans and Ashkenazi Jews to Haitian and Black African groups, have captured the interest of researchers across disciplines. Eclipsed by the politics of Mexican migration to the US, Mexico has a long history of immigration, emigration, refuge, transit, and return migration. These realities compound Mexican migration policy and coupled with the gendered experiences of migration, generate a complicated journey for migrants, especially those pertaining to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Queer (LGBTQ) community.
Academic Brain Drain: The Case of North Macedonia
Academic Brain Drain: The Case of North Macedonia
(Academic Brain Drain: The Case of North Macedonia)
- Author(s):Merita Zulfiu Alili, Memet Memeti, Blerta Ahmedi-Arifi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Labor relations, Migration Studies, Asylum, Refugees, Migration as Policy-fields
- Page Range:333-340
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Rule of law, migration; academic staff;
- Summary/Abstract:Skilled labour is an important asset for any country in the development process and the emigration of skilled individuals presents a threat of a ‘brain drain’ which can affect growth, development and the quality of education. Brain drain in this research represents the loss of academic staff and researchers from a source country to a recipient country. Using survey data this study investigates the factors affecting academic staff’s decision on migration. It critically examines brain drain in higher education institutions in North Macedonia and its implications. Most of the academic staff intends to migrate to more developed countries mainly because of low standards of living and wages, because they think that there is no future in this country, lack of promotion possibilities based on merit and political influence in universities. Based on the findings this paper proposes policy recommendations for institutions to explore strategies on how to best use the skills of academic and research staff for improving socioeconomic benefits, and most importantly commitment to implementing these strategies
International Migration of Highly Educated, Stay-At-Home Mothers: The Case of The United Kingdom
International Migration of Highly Educated, Stay-At-Home Mothers: The Case of The United Kingdom
(International Migration of Highly Educated, Stay-At-Home Mothers: The Case of The United Kingdom)
- Author(s):Arzu Kırcal Şahin
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Higher Education , Migration Studies, Sociology of Education
- Page Range:341-344
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Highly educated; stay-at-home mothers; international migration; United Kingdom;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this study was to explore about the experiences of highly educated mothers with at least one child who have left their jobs and have immigrated to the UK because of their spouse's job. The study investigates the barriers that these Turkish women may face in the UK. Research on immigrants has been mostly restricted to quantitative methods which rely on statistical data sets. A search of the literature revealed that qualitative studies are rarely used within the field. In order to examine this issue, in-depth interviews were held with 20 Turkish participants who met the research criteria. Integrating these findings with relevant international migration theories, this doctoral research reveals that those highly educated Turkish women with advanced career success who took part in this research have not managed to break the cycle of traditional gender roles. It also shows that these women have, not only taken care of their children, but also have established a harmonious family environment in order to assist their husbands' career. The findings of this study show that moving to the UK with their spouses inevitably has resulted in a decline in the career success, financial and social status for the participants.
Welsh Italian Literary Accounts of Internment in World War II: Les Servini's A Boy From Bardi and Hector Emanuelli's A Sense of Belonging
Welsh Italian Literary Accounts of Internment in World War II: Les Servini's A Boy From Bardi and Hector Emanuelli's A Sense of Belonging
(Welsh Italian Literary Accounts of Internment in World War II: Les Servini's A Boy From Bardi and Hector Emanuelli's A Sense of Belonging)
- Author(s):Manuela D’Amore
- Language:English
- Subject(s):WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Migration Studies
- Page Range:345-348
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:World War II; Internment; Welsh Italian literary narratives; Servini; Emanuelli;
- Summary/Abstract:Unjustly neglected by academic criticism, Welsh Italian literary accounts of internment during World War Two are the product of non-professional writing which however supplement the meagre historical research on the Italian immigrant community in the Valleys. The purpose of this paper is to shed light on Les Servini’s A Boy from Bardi: My Life and Times (1994) and Hector Emanuelli’s A Sense of Belonging: From the Rhondda to the Potteries. Memories of a Welsh Italian Englishman (2010) while showing that the painful stories that they recount were written also to convey positive messages of strength and resilience. We believe it is now time for specialist and non-specialist readers to give them a complete social and cultural recognition.
The Impact of Covid-19 on Asylum Seekers and Migrants in Belgium
The Impact of Covid-19 on Asylum Seekers and Migrants in Belgium
(The Impact of Covid-19 on Asylum Seekers and Migrants in Belgium)
- Author(s):Júlia Zomignani Barboza
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law, Asylum, Refugees, Migration as Policy-fields
- Page Range:349-352
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:COVID-19; pandemic; migrants; Belgian society;
- Summary/Abstract:The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all sectors of the Belgian society, including its most vulnerable. In this contribution, we focus on the pandemic’s effects on asylum seekers and migrants, who had their rights severely restricted by the sanitary measures enacted to contain the spread of the virus. More specifically, we will look into the limitations that were put in place to submit applications for international protection and the restrictions that apply to visits in detention centres, limiting independent oversight of such facilities. With the benefit of hindsight, we identify best practices and recommendations for the future.
Retos Para La Adaptacion Económiica Y Social De La Población Inmigrante Venezolana En El Sur De Ecuador
Retos Para La Adaptacion Económiica Y Social De La Población Inmigrante Venezolana En El Sur De Ecuador
(Challenges for the Economic and Social Adaptation of the Venezuelan Immigrant Population in the South of Ecuador)
- Author(s):Jessica Andrea Ordoñez Cuenca
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Migration Studies, Asylum, Refugees, Migration as Policy-fields
- Page Range:353-355
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Economic Adaptation; Immigrant Population; Venezuelan; Ecuador;
- Summary/Abstract:Entre 2015 y 2021 han salido de Venezuela alrededor de 6,5 millones de personas migrantes y refugiadas hacia algunos países del mundo principalmente de América Latina donde se estima que residen alrededor de 4,6 millones, según (ACNUR, 2021) permanecen en Colombia, Perú, Chile, Ecuador y Brasil. Esta situación da un vuelco a la dirección de los flujos migratorios entre estos países, debido a que Venezuela pasa a ser un país de origen migratorio, lo opuesto sucede con Ecuador, Colombia y Perú que se convierten en países de destino migratorio.