The Contribution of the EU ETS for the Decarburization of the European Economy Cover Image

Пътят на Европейския съюз към декарбонизация на икономиката: приносът на Европейската схема за търговия с квоти за емисии на парникови газове
The Contribution of the EU ETS for the Decarburization of the European Economy

Author(s): Svetla Boneva, Filip Petkov, Diana Marinova, Jasmina Saraivanova
Subject(s): Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Emission Trading Scheme; EU ETS
Summary/Abstract: The objective of the research paper is to present the development of the EU Emission trading scheme as the first large scale initiative for regulation of the carbon dioxide emissions in the European union and one of the first initiatives on a global scale. Applying the methods of content analysis and following the logical approach, the paper has produced the following research results: 1. It has systemically presented the origin and development of the scheme; 2. It has outlined the way EU ETS functions.