Jurisdiction of the last degree, or the power of the SCC to determine the Competent Court under art. 123 CPC Cover Image

Подсъдност от последна степен, или за правомощието на ВКС да определя Компетентния съд по чл. 123 ГПК
Jurisdiction of the last degree, or the power of the SCC to determine the Competent Court under art. 123 CPC

Author(s): Vassil Petrov
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law, Court case, Administrative Law
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Procedure Code; venue; proper court; venue of last resort; supervisory judicial power
Summary/Abstract: The article examines the question of the construction of a provision in the Civil Procedure Code, authorizing Supreme Court of Cassation to designate proper venue when rules of jurisdictional venue are insufficient to determine it. It is argued that the statutory provision envisions a venue of last resort and embodies an inherent jurisdiction by SCC as having supervisory judicial power. A recent judicial case in point is examined.