Community Service in the Republic of Srpska - Normative Framework and Situation in Practice Cover Image

Рад у јавном интересу у Републици Српској - нормативни оквир и стање у пракси
Community Service in the Republic of Srpska - Normative Framework and Situation in Practice

Author(s): Ljubana Sladić
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Alternative measures; Community service; Mediator; Commissioner;
Summary/Abstract: Community service is one of the alternative measures provided for in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Srpska. The work is socially beneficial and does not violate human dignity or aim to generate profit. This measure can be ordered by the court at the request of a convicted person who has been sentenced to imprisonment for up to one year. Essentially, the court first imposes a person sentence on the convicted individual, who then submits a request to substitute this sentence with community work. If the court decides positively to replace the prison sentence with community service, it then forwards this decision to the Ministry of Justice for further execution. The mediator, in the coordination with the commissionaire, brings forth and determines the details regarding the type and nature of the work and accompanying acts, while the court decision only determines the duration and period of measure’s execution.The paper will present and analyze the normative framework on which the community service measure is based, including all parties involved in its implementation and execution in Srpska. The current practice is not rich in examples of pronounced and executed community service, but due to the number of advantages that this sanction provides, the author sincerely hopes that in the future there will be more frequent application and execution of this alternative measure in the Republic of Srpska.

  • Page Range: 354-372
  • Page Count: 19
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: Serbian
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