WHO AM I?! - Between Psychological Continuity and Cognitive Complexity Cover Image

WHO AM I?! - Between Psychological Continuity and Cognitive Complexity
WHO AM I?! - Between Psychological Continuity and Cognitive Complexity

Author(s): Carla Ioana Ana Maria Popescu
Subject(s): Individual Psychology, Personality Psychology, Behaviorism
Published by: Scientia Moralitas Research Institute
Keywords: identity; identification; re-identification; psychological continuity;
Summary/Abstract: The problem of identity is, equally, an exogenous one—that of the identification and limitation of man and the borders of his person—and, an endogenous one—that of self-identification, re-identification and self-knowledge, more precisely, self-knowledge, its components and dynamics. This raises questions about the coordinates of this identification, self-identification and re-identification and self-knowledge of man, as unity and physical, spiritual, moral and cognitive identity of this world. How many come and how do they come from its exteriority, and what and how are those that belong to its interiority, that is, to feeling, intuition, the operations of thought, knowledge, logic, the concrete and the abstract? These are thought-provoking questions for which answers, benchmarks, structures, arguments, determinations and connections have been sought at all times. The question “Who am I?!”—which is both questioning and wonder—constitutes one of the fundamental problems of psychology, philosophy, logic, thought and self-awareness, but not only. Approaches to this are different and very complex, and the results are commensurate, in a dynamic and complex universe, open to all horizons. Who struggles with the management of identity, self-identification and re-identification, and other components of the human person and personality? The first answer could be: psychology, as a science of the soul or psyche; philosophy, as a science and art of thinking; and logic, in its capacity as manager of the generation, coherence of rationality and the reason of the expression of the realm of cognition. The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive overview, bringing a broader perspective to the profound and timeless topic of personal identity.

  • Page Range: 152-155
  • Page Count: 4
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: English
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