Short Stories Published in Newspapers During the 1990's: Some Challenges Facing Critical Receptions Cover Image

Кратките разкази, публикувани във всекидневниците през 90-те години на ХХ век - рецептивни предизвикателства
Short Stories Published in Newspapers During the 1990's: Some Challenges Facing Critical Receptions

Author(s): Nikolay Papuchiev
Subject(s): Bulgarian Literature, Sociology of Literature
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Keywords: newspapers; short stories; literary competitions; popular literature; advertising
Summary/Abstract: The present text is part of a larger study aimed at exploring the cultural dimensions of the Bulgarian Transition. The text focuses on the place of literature, in particular on short stories published in the mainstream press and the challenges they pose to contemporary literary criticism. Given the fact that these are texts doomed to rapid ageing (Bourdieu) and that they are situated alongside topical information making up the overall textual context of the newspaper issue, they rarely become part of literary history and even less of the literary canon endorsed by academia. Nonetheless, as shown by the results of the empirical surveys conducted as part of the aforementioned study, there emerges a close correspondence between these texts and long-established social conceptions embedded in the memories of this period. The past is reconstructed in broad strokes, many of which are also drawn with the help of the media during the period under consideration. Thus, irrespective of why short stories rarely become part of the knowledge about the period, they have a role to play in the formation of certain receptive competences among the mass readership. On the basis of this observation, the present analysis aims to explore them within the overall informational framework in which they are situated, rather than applying mechanisms that reduce them solely to aesthetic constructs within the overall framework of literary history.

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