Българският интелектуалец и политиката: етос, послания, оценки. Случаите на Желю Желев и Блага Димитрова
The Bulgarian Intellectual and Politics: Ethos, Messages, Evaluations. The Cases of Zhelyu Zhelev and Blaga Dimitrova
Author(s): Slaveya Dimitrova
Subject(s): History, Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010)
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Keywords: 10 November 1989; Zhelyu Zhelev; Blaga Dimitrova; independent intellectual; pragmatic politician; political morality
Summary/Abstract: The paper analyses the changed perception of the place and role of the intellectuals after 1989, as reflected in the essays, public speeches and interviews of writers, philosophers and public figures such as Zhelyu Zhelev and Blaga Dimitrova. The leading criterion for selecting the texts for analysis is the participation of their authors – intellectuals and humanitarians – in the governance of Bulgaria immediately after the changes. The starting point is the thesis that while before 1989, the ethos of the intellectual precluded him or her from engaging in politics, after 10 November 1989 the paradigm shifted and the newly established perception was that the true intellectual should model the political processes, implement the change, create the new order with its new rules, and broadcast the important messages. The key to the construction of the intellectual’s image lay in the public confidence in his or her high moral character and will to always tell and defend the truth. As it happened, however, in the post-1989 Bulgarian environment, the debate about the intellectual became laden not only with too many expectations, but also with a number of preconceptions. Over time, Bulgarian intellectuals who involved themselves with politics were faced with the need to make a choice between remaining independent intellectuals or becoming pragmatic politicians.
- Page Range: 173-182
- Page Count: 10
- Publication Year: 2025
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF