Syntagma as a Syntactic and Phonetic Unit of Linguistics Cover Image

Syntagma as a Syntactic and Phonetic Unit of Linguistics

Author(s): Haschim Akberow
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Editura Vasiliana ’98
Summary/Abstract: The article deals with the syntagma. The syntagma is researchedas a syntactic and phonetic unit of linguistics and spoken widelyof its meaning in the article. Signs perform the system ofapproaches in the form of syntagmatics and paradigmatics.Syntagmatic approaches are based on distributive potentials ofsigns, their valencies, but paradigmatic approaches are based onthe selection of definite element of paradigm signs, namely forthat reason Ferdinand de Saussure considers the morphology asthe “sphere of paradigmatics”, but the syntax – the “sphere ofsyntagmatics”. But it should be noted that a notion of“verticality” and “horizontality” exists even in the row oflanguage signs of classic linguistics.

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