Designing Optimal Regional Policies: The Impact of Technology Adoption Cover Image
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Designing Optimal Regional Policies: The Impact of Technology Adoption
Designing Optimal Regional Policies: The Impact of Technology Adoption

Author(s): Stilianos Alexiadis
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management, Accounting - Business Administration
Published by: ASERS Publishing
Keywords: regional growth; technology adoption; regional policy
Summary/Abstract: Although the importance of technology adoption has been acknowledged, nevertheless, at a more general level, a critical question arises: how do infrastructure conditions affect the absorptive ability of a region? A similar question can be asked regarding the implications of a ‘poor’ infrastructure for promoting sustainable growth. By using a model that incorporates the impact of infrastructure in the absorptive ability of a region, this chapter argues that convergence towards leading regions is feasible only for regions with a sufficient absorptive capacity. Moreover, in accordance with the major aims of the European Union, a set of allocation rules is developed that help policy-makers to design regional policies

  • Page Range: 76-92
  • Page Count: 27
  • Publication Year: 2014
  • Language: English
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