“V4 for Citizens” - Czechia Assumes Presidency of the Visegrad Group Cover Image

“V4 for Citizens” - Czechia Assumes Presidency of the Visegrad Group
“V4 for Citizens” - Czechia Assumes Presidency of the Visegrad Group

Author(s): Łukasz Ogrodnik
Subject(s): Politics, Governance, Economic policy, International relations/trade, Security and defense
Published by: PISM Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych
Keywords: Czechia; Visegrad group; V4; citizens; policy;
Summary/Abstract: Czechia’s presidency of the Visegrad Group (V4), which began on 1 July, comes amid the biggest crisis in the functioning of this format in years. In the face of clear differences in reaction to the Russia-Ukraine war, the government of Petr Fiala proposes minimalist functioning of the V4. The Group is likely to focus on social cooperation, with low dynamics in other areas. Thus, the Czech presidency will resemble the previous Slovak one.

  • Page Count: 2
  • Publication Year: 2023
  • Language: English