What Next after the Death of Queen Elizabeth II? Cover Image

What Next after the Death of Queen Elizabeth II?
What Next after the Death of Queen Elizabeth II?

Author(s): Przemysław Biskup
Subject(s): Politics, Governance, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade
Published by: PISM Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych
Keywords: Queen Elizabeth II; death; UK; governance;
Summary/Abstract: The death of Elizabeth II on 8 September closed her 70-year reign. In that time, the United Kingdom underwent deep transformation, including losing its colonial empire, as well as joining and later leaving European integration structures. The succession to the throne may contribute to a further weakening of the UK’s personal union with the 14 Commonwealth monarchies and the British role in this structure. The queen’s passing has also increased the risk of strengthening of separatist movements in Northern Ireland, Wales, and Scotland.

  • Page Count: 2
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: English