U.S. Senate Runoff Election and Capitol Riots Cover Image

U.S. Senate Runoff Election and Capitol Riots
U.S. Senate Runoff Election and Capitol Riots

Author(s): Andrzej Dąbrowski
Subject(s): Politics, Governance, Government/Political systems, Electoral systems
Published by: PISM Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych
Keywords: USA; elections; Senate; riots;
Summary/Abstract: Both Democratic candidates for the United States Senate in the run-off elections in Georgia won. With the vice-presidency, the Democrats have gained a majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. This will make it less likely that the Republican Party can block the incoming president's legislative initiatives and appointments to the administration. During the certification of the presidential election by a joint chamber of Congress, participants in a rally in support of President Donald Trump broke through police lines and into the Capitol. Four people died in the riots. After nearly seven hours, the deliberations resumed, and Congress certified the election of Joe Biden as the next president of the United States.

  • Page Count: 2
  • Publication Year: 2021
  • Language: English