Covid-19 and the way to return to normal: role of OIC (Muslim World and its Rapid Reaction Capacitation in times of new type/s of asymmetric challenges) Cover Image

Covid-19 and the way to return to normal: role of OIC (Muslim World and its Rapid Reaction Capacitation in times of new type/s of asymmetric challenges)
Covid-19 and the way to return to normal: role of OIC (Muslim World and its Rapid Reaction Capacitation in times of new type/s of asymmetric challenges)

Author(s): Anis H. Bajrektarević, Ali Goutali
Subject(s): Governance, International relations/trade, Health and medicine and law, Economic development
Published by: Mednarodni inštitut za bližnjevzhodne in balkanske študije IFIMES
Keywords: COVID-19; crisis; muslim world; OIC;
Summary/Abstract: All throughout its history, our world witnessed either abrupt, radical changes or gradual shifts and adjustments of the World Oder. Such recalibrations usually followed major crises, be it devastating wars or geopolitical transformations such as the end of Cold War. Past the agricultural and industrial revolutions, numerous advances in knowledge, science and technology, as well as ground-breaking inventions opened up new avenues for progress and prosperity of mankind. Subsequent scientific and technological revolution of our age, coupled with the relaxation of ideological confrontation and longing for cooperation and integration, led to the emergence of a politically and economically globalized World. However, our current World Order of fully interconnected planet has revealed some weaknesses and vulnerabilities, particularly in time of crises.

  • Page Count: 4
  • Publication Year: 2020
  • Language: English