Globalization at the time of Covid-19 virus Cover Image

Globalization at the time of Covid-19 virus
Globalization at the time of Covid-19 virus

Author(s): Not Specified Author
Subject(s): Welfare systems, Health and medicine and law, Globalization
Published by: Mednarodni inštitut za bližnjevzhodne in balkanske študije IFIMES
Keywords: COVID-19; globalization; health; crisis;
Summary/Abstract: In December 2019, a new disease caught the attention of the media and the public around the world. Scientists quickly discovered that the cause of the disease is the Corona virus, which emerged for the first time in the city of Wuhan, China and for which there is currently no appropriate medical response. Since then, simultaneously with the massive media reports on proliferation of the virus to other parts of the world, the public fear has been growing. On 11 February 2020, the virus got its scientific name - Covid-19. Virus Covid-19 evolved into a major disaster for the world, citizens and global economy all over the world. In the case of China, the delayed announcement of the virus, due to the assurances by Chinese officials that they can restrain proliferation of the virus, has led to an outbreak and proliferation of the virus outside of China, as a result of what the epidemic in China evolved into a global pandemic.

  • Page Count: 7
  • Publication Year: 2020
  • Language: English