Local Election in Kosovo: The Ugly Political Language of PDK Cover Image

Local Election in Kosovo: The Ugly Political Language of PDK
Local Election in Kosovo: The Ugly Political Language of PDK

Author(s): Aljaf Bakhtyar, Zijad Bećirović
Subject(s): Politics, Communication studies, Political history, Electoral systems, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010)
Published by: Mednarodni inštitut za bližnjevzhodne in balkanske študije IFIMES
Keywords: Kosovo; local elections; PDK; politics; language;
Summary/Abstract: Even though Democratic Party Kosovo (PDK) did start election campaign, long before official time, impression was that somehow it would get over without any further problems. But, only after couple of days, when the election campaign began, particularly from (PDK) campaign language of communication started to get ugly, especially the one against Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK). PDK with its unexpected attacks, with its strong language of communication, exceeded unusually, red line, of tolerance and calmness, which is well known standard of political communication in Kosovo.

  • Page Count: 4
  • Publication Year: 2009
  • Language: English