Non-Observed Economy and Corruption: Links and Consequences Cover Image

Non-Observed Economy and Corruption: Links and Consequences
Non-Observed Economy and Corruption: Links and Consequences

Author(s): Iurie Morcotîlo
Subject(s): Economy, National Economy, Public Administration, Economic development, Corruption - Transparency - Anti-Corruption
Published by: EXPERT-GRUP Centrul Analitic Independent
Keywords: Corruption; Non-observed economy; public institutions; taxes;
Summary/Abstract: Non-observed economy and corruption are closely linked and fuel one another. The spread of corruption in public institutions allows economic operators to avoid paying their taxes and then escape punishment. At the same time, corruption is an additional barrier for small entrepreneurs from the non-observed economy to enter the legal one. Such ‘vicious’ relations between corruption and non-observed economy have increased in recent years in the Republic of Moldova and are a major challenge for the country's sustainable development.

  • Page Count: 5
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: English
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