What is the cost of real estate lease in the Chisinau city?
What is the cost of real estate lease in the Chisinau city?
Author(s): Tatiana Savva
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management, Public Finances, Corruption - Transparency - Anti-Corruption
Published by: EXPERT-GRUP Centrul Analitic Independent
Keywords: Chisinau city; corruption; real estate lease; cost;
Summary/Abstract: Costs and risks of corruption are triggered by social norms, traditions, the existing legal framework and impunity. Conditions other than the legal rules are also required to control corruption, but those conditions are sometimes beyond the authority grasp. Examples relevant to this end could be low labour remuneration in the public sector or legal framework provisions that can be construed (for instance, the bidding mechanism could be used to lease non-residential/nonhabitable premises and direct negations as well). In the case of asset management in Chisinau municipality, the relations between the beneficiary and the public authority take place in the so-called "grey" or "informal" area, where it is not very clear how the power is executed, where no corruption risks were identified, but rather informal prerequisites for corrupt practices. We aim to describe below the aforementioned prerequisites and how they affect the lease of non-residential premises located in the municipality of Chisinau.
- Page Count: 4
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: English
- Content File-PDF