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Europe Complete
Europe Complete

Author(s): Strahinja Subotić, Miloš Pavković, Sava Mitrović
Subject(s): Politics, Policy, planning, forecast and speculation, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
Published by: Centar za evropske politike CEP
Keywords: Europe; continent future; accession; enlargement; policy; Western Balkans;
Summary/Abstract: The Conference on the Future of Europe (CotFoE) presents a unique opportunity for citizens to discuss – at a European, national, regional and local level – how to shape the future of the old continent in terms of securing reforms that would lead towards progress, prosperity, and security. As these issues cannot be properly tackled without integrating the Western Balkans (WB) into the wider debates, European Policy Centre (CEP - Belgrade) has taken a proactive step forward by organising a high-level conference under the name EUROPE COMPLETE. The title of this initiative was deliberately chosen to showcase that only a united Europe, a continent comprised of countries sharing common values, can properly address the ever-growing number of cross-border challenges. This concept therefore extends beyond the EU as it envisions the WB as an essential piece of the European puzzle.

  • Page Count: 4
  • Publication Year: 2021
  • Language: English
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