Состојбата во секторите транспорт и енергетика во Република Македонија, како до забрзување на реформските процеси
The situation in the Transport and Energy Sectors in the Republic of Macedonia, as well as the Acceleration of the Reform Processes
Author(s): Sonja Risteska
Subject(s): Energy and Environmental Studies, Economic policy, Transport / Logistics
Published by: Аналитика Тинк-тенк Организација
Summary/Abstract: What generally applies to the energy sector, also applies to the transport sector. The problems with transparency, swelling in the operation of the institutions are not new in the Republic of Macedonia, especially when it comes to financial operations as well as public procurement or the passing of laws after shortened procedures, which Analytica has previously investigated. Also, with the political crisis that has been going on since 2015, reforms in these sectors suffer and are left aside. Other issues that are considered relevant are the lack of vision and development of solutions in transport and energy that will be sustainable and offer ideas for contemporary challenges, especially the burning problem of pollution where these two sectors are indicated as one of the the biggest triggers. The institutions still do not cope with the pollution, which is huge in the winter period of the year. The civil sector is still too little involved in the decision-making process in both sectors in Macedonia, and in many cases it is unsuccessful in following the processes such as the adoption of laws, strategies, the determination of projects, etc., as well as in actively opposing their implementation. if they have proven to be harmful to society and nature. Corruption has been proven many times to rule in both sectors, which is made possible by weak state structures and is one of the key factors that hinders the fulfillment of EU rules and the implementation of reforms. The idea of this research is to show which of the following are the main problems that exist in these two sectors that hinder their progress and development, from the analysis of which innovative solutions will emerge to accelerate the implementation of reforms on the way to the EU.
Series: ANALYTICA - Policy Reports
- Page Count: 68
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Macedonian
- Content File-PDF
- Introduction