MEGA - Moldova Economic Growth Analysis № 2 / 2009
MEGA - Moldova Economic Growth Analysis № 2 / 2009
Author(s): Ana Popa, Valeriu Prohniţchi, Alex Oprunenco, Adrian Lupuşor, Victoria Vasilescu
Subject(s): National Economy, Economic policy
Published by: EXPERT-GRUP Centrul Analitic Independent
Summary/Abstract: With a string of domestic and external crises the year 2009 has clearly shown how fragile and illusory have the economic growth and modernisation been in Moldova in the last decade. The expected GDP decline will get Moldova three years back; capital investments have fallen at path not seen since early 1990s; economic confi dence is at historical lows, while the public fi nance has been fundamentally undermined. Although global fi nancial crisis has its part of blame, Moldova is also a victim of the blundering political irresponsibility. The Governmental change in September 2009 brings new hopes, but it should be clear that these expectations should not be overblown. Although the reshuffl e of the ministers was necessary it is not suffi cient to change the modus operandi of the ministries. The administrative system is subject to its own logic and inertia. The real challenge for the new Government will be to push forward a new logical framework under which policy is being developed and implemented. Political uncertainty and diffi cult negotiations within the governing coalition compounds this task still more. (published as well under ISBN978-9975-80-303-8)
Series: MEGA - Moldova Economic Growth Analysis
- Page Count: 80
- Publication Year: 2009
- Language: English
- Content File-PDF
- Introduction