MEGA - Moldova Economic Growth Analysis № 5 / 2011 Cover Image

MEGA - Moldova Economic Growth Analysis № 5 / 2011
MEGA - Moldova Economic Growth Analysis № 5 / 2011

Author(s): Ana Popa, Adrian Lupuşor, Dumitru Budianschi, Elena Culiuc, Valeriu Prohniţchi
Subject(s): National Economy, Economic policy
Published by: EXPERT-GRUP Centrul Analitic Independent
Summary/Abstract: The endless disputes between political parties have definitely trivialized the word "reform". The need for "reforms" is invoked by political forces at every opportunity appropriate and inappropriate, often as an excuse for the political deadlocks created. Many external resources continue to flow in to support the "reforms", creating, in fact, hazard morality for governance. That is why, when we talk about reforms in Moldova, we must let's start from the premise that most of the institutions necessary for functioning of a market economy in Moldova were created, the fundamental problem being the character dysfunctional of them. Taking into account the developments of 2011, we believe that the real ones economic reforms that Moldova needs as a priority are the following: justice reform (including as a key premise for reducing corruption), decentralization, the reform of the agricultural subsidy policy, the strengthening of internal control and externally on public finances, the reform of the central public administration, including for increasing the capacities of the central authorities for judicious absorption and utilization a public capital investments.

  • Page Count: 68
  • Publication Year: 2011
  • Language: Romanian
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