The economic cost of gender inequalities in the Republic of Moldova Cover Image

Costul economic al inegalităților de gen în Republica Moldova
The economic cost of gender inequalities in the Republic of Moldova

Author(s): Arina Țurcan, Iurie Morcotîlo, Natalia Vîlcu
Subject(s): Gender Studies, Human Resources in Economy
Published by: EXPERT-GRUP Centrul Analitic Independent
Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this report is to estimate the economic costs caused by gender inequalities in the Republic of Moldova and to identify a set of strategic recommendations. The report will estimate the latest developments related to gender inequities in the Republic of Moldova, especially through the lens of changes in demographic statistics and the labor market. Based on these developments, the economic costs of gender inequities are calculated, taking into account the methodological approaches already applied at the international level. One of the public policies that would reduce gender inequalities is the development of the institutional and legal framework related to the reconciliation of family life and professional obligations. Good international practices and the specifics of the Republic of Moldova are analyzed along the way to identify potential areas of intervention by public authorities. A separate emphasis is placed on the analysis of pre-school education and the potential costs of its expansion in the Republic of Moldova, with the aim of identifying to what extent the implementation of this public policy is feasible. Finally, the report formulates a set of recommendations that would lead to the reduction of gender inequalities and the economic costs generated by them.

  • Page Count: 27
  • Publication Year: 2020
  • Language: Romanian
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