The new EU leadership’s opportunity for an early win in Eastern Europe Cover Image

The new EU leadership’s opportunity for an early win in Eastern Europe
The new EU leadership’s opportunity for an early win in Eastern Europe

Author(s): Michael Emerson
Subject(s): International relations/trade, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
Published by: CEPS Centre for European Policy Studies
Summary/Abstract: If the new High Representative Josep Borrell and new Commissioner for the neighbourhood Olivér Várhelyi are wondering where to start, they would do well to consider what they might do next with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. This summer, the Commission organised an open ‘structural consultation’ of official and private stakeholders on the future of the Eastern Partnership. The deadline for submissions was a month ago, and so the new leadership will presumably have a digest of the results on their desks. The EU’s new leadership could see here the makings of an early win for its currently limping foreign and security policy.

  • Page Count: 3
  • Publication Year: 2019
  • Language: English
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