NATIONAL PAR-MONITOR 2017/2018: Albania Cover Image

NATIONAL PAR-MONITOR 2017/2018: Albania
NATIONAL PAR-MONITOR 2017/2018: Albania

Author(s): Aleka Papa
Subject(s): Civil Society, Governance, Public Administration
Published by: WeBER - Western Balkan Enablers for Reforming Public Administration
Summary/Abstract: For over 15 years, the Western Balkan (WB) countries have undergone democratisation and transition processes, embarking onto deep structural, economic and social reforms to modernise their societies and improve the lives of their citizens. The reform processes are reinvigorated by the aspiration of these countries to become members of the European Union, and they are framed to a large extent by the EU integration process. Good governance lies at the heart of the European integration project, while a public administration that supports good governance needs to be professional, reliable and predictable, open and transparent, efficient and effective, and accountable to its citizens.

  • Page Count: 154
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: English
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