THE WAGES OF SIN: Confronting Bosnia’s Republika Srpska (Balkans Report N° 118) Cover Image

THE WAGES OF SIN: Confronting Bosnia’s Republika Srpska (Balkans Report N° 118)
THE WAGES OF SIN: Confronting Bosnia’s Republika Srpska (Balkans Report N° 118)

Author(s): Author Not Specified
Subject(s): Governance, Government/Political systems, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by: ICG International Crisis Group
Summary/Abstract: By recognising Republika Srpska (RS) as a legitimate polity and constituent entity of the new Bosnia, the 1995 Dayton Peace Agreement embraced a contradiction. For the RS was founded as a stepping stone to a Greater Serbia. and forged in atrocities against - and mass expulsions of non-Serbs. … Almost six years after Dayton, these hopes lie unfulfilled and partly forgotten. … Converted to Dayton constitutionalism, and fortified by the election of a respectable nationalist to the Yugoslav presidency in Belgrade, the rebranded SDS remains as unwilling as ever to define „its state“ as the rightful home of Bosnians of all faiths. The riots organised in May 2001 to prevent the reconstruction of historic mosques razed during the war and the government‘s continuing refusal, even after Milosevic.s transfer to the ICTY in June, to cooperate with The Hague ought to have made plain that the RS remains true to its wartime self. Vague international threats to punish the RS on both scores led only to token concessions by the authorities.

  • Page Count: 62
  • Publication Year: 2001
  • Language: English
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