CSD Policy Brief №. 108: EU Energy and Climate Security Strategy to Counter the Russian Aggression in Europe. Cover Image

CSD Policy Brief №. 108: EU Energy and Climate Security Strategy to Counter the Russian Aggression in Europe.
CSD Policy Brief №. 108: EU Energy and Climate Security Strategy to Counter the Russian Aggression in Europe.

Author(s): Author Not Specified
Subject(s): Energy and Environmental Studies, Environmental and Energy policy, International relations/trade, Green Transformation
Published by: Център за изследване на демокрацията
Summary/Abstract: The Russian invasion in Ukraine and the resulting energy and geopolitical crisis have clearly demonstrated that accommodating Russia, even when its foreign policy undermines European security, is № longer defensible. The Russian aggression in Europe and the critical dependence on Russian oil and gas imports have clearly demonstrated the need for a new European energy and climate security strategy. European governments are №t only struggling to guarantee a reliable and cheap supply of energy but are also failing to overcome a fossil fuel lock-in. // The most effective way to stop the Kremlin’s aggression is for Europe to ban oil and gas imports from Russia that could cripple the Russian eco№my in 8 to 11 months. This needs to be accompanied by emergency measures to protect vulnerable consumers and alleviate Europe’s critical vulnerabilities before the next heating season. In the long run, a full fossil fuel phase-out is the most sustainable way to improve energy and climate security. Decarbonizing energy markets will also deliver a blow to the Kremlin’s eco№mic and political influence in Europe.

  • Page Count: 8
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: English
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