The Sahwat Movement and the Sons of Iraq: The Roots and Consequences of the Tribal Revolt Against Al-Qaeda in Iraq Cover Image

Hnutí Sahwat a Synové Iráku: kořeny a důsledky kmenové revolty proti al-Qáidě v Iráku
The Sahwat Movement and the Sons of Iraq: The Roots and Consequences of the Tribal Revolt Against Al-Qaeda in Iraq

Author(s): Naďa Aliová
Subject(s): Security and defense, Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by: AMO – Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky
Keywords: al-Qaida; Irak;
Summary/Abstract: The security situation in Iraq has improved significantly over the past two years. This development was marked by the adoption of a new American counter-insurgency strategy in 2007, which responded to the long-term failures of coalition forces. Its main points were the increase in the number of American troops in the country and the use of contradictions between the rebel groups themselves, which began to be evident in mid-2005.

  • Page Count: 12
  • Publication Year: 2010
  • Language: Czech
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