Briefing paper for the European Council (June 17, 2010) Cover Image

Briefing paper k Evropské radě (17. červen 2010)
Briefing paper for the European Council (June 17, 2010)

Author(s): Václav Bacovský, Tomáš Búry, Vít Dostál, Ivana Jemelkova, Katarína Lokšová
Subject(s): International relations/trade, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
Published by: AMO – Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky
Summary/Abstract: The summit was shortened to just one day compared to the original plan. The permanent president of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, explained this by the inflation of the various high-level meetings convened in recent months mainly due to the critical situation in the eurozone. // The main item on the agenda will be the approval of the new EU strategy for 2020. Although everyone is aware that the competitiveness of the European economy is key to future development, the failure of the Lisbon Strategy and the persistent differences of opinion regarding the way forward for the Eurozone crisis lead to rather cautious expectations. // On an informal level, the summit will reveal whether the attitude of German foreign policy towards the EU is really changing and whether the Franco-German engine is stuck // The EU will seek a common position for the next of the series of G20 summits, which will take place in Toronto. Proposals to tighten the regulation of financial institutions and efforts to concretize the long-term vision of economic growth will be in the forefront of interest. // Other items on the agenda of the summit include the Millennium Development Goals, climate change, sanctions against Iran, Iceland's entry into the EU and the institutional solution to the issue of the number of members of the European Parliament.

  • Page Count: 10
  • Publication Year: 2010
  • Language: Czech
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