5 Alternatives, 1 Result - Scenarios for the further Development of the Conflict in Syria Cover Image

5 alternativ, 1 výsledek – scénáře dalšího vývoje konfliktu v Sýrii
5 Alternatives, 1 Result - Scenarios for the further Development of the Conflict in Syria

Author(s): Jan Kužvart
Subject(s): Geopolitics, Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by: AMO – Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky
Summary/Abstract: The current developments in Syria would have been unimaginable before the events of the Arab Spring, but the main local ingredients of the conflict existed before. An amorphous combination of street gangs and religiously defined Shabiha militias have violently pursued the interests of members of the ruling clan on Syria's streets for years past. The social influence of Islamists in ostensibly secular Syria has also slowly grown as state institutions have been weakened by the corruption and cronyism of the ruling clique. The influence of the Islamists was tolerated by the regime to a certain extent in the interests of peace. It was not better even with the suppression of ethnic-religious sectarianism, although the Syrian regime under the guise of pan-Arabism boasted about it. In recent years, belonging to a religious sect as the primary identity of Syrians began to strengthen, although paradoxically, as a result of the development of communications and media, the awareness of a common Syrian national identity also grew.

  • Page Count: 9
  • Publication Year: 2012
  • Language: Czech
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