Lesk a bída ukrajinské opozice
The Brilliance and Misery of the Ukrainian Opposition
Author(s): Martin Laryš
Subject(s): Civil Society, Governance, Post-Communist Transformation
Published by: AMO – Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky
Keywords: Ukrainian opposition against Viktor Yanukovych;
Summary/Abstract: The international community is warily watching the rule of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, which many representatives of the West perceive as a continuing retreat from unconsolidated democracy and a return to the semi-authoritarian regime that prevailed in Ukraine during the tenure of President Leonid Kuchma (1994-2004). These concerns are fueled, among others, by the trials of opposition leaders, former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and former Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko, who were sentenced to several years in prison and are considered political prisoners of the Yanukovych regime. His negative perception is also underlined by the planned changes to the electoral system.
Series: Association for International Affairs - Briefing Papers
- Page Count: 2
- Publication Year: 2012
- Language: Czech
- Content File-PDF