The EU and the Maghreb after the Arab Spring: a reset of European politics? Cover Image

EU a Maghreb po arabském jaru: reset evropské politiky?
The EU and the Maghreb after the Arab Spring: a reset of European politics?

Author(s): Jiří Holík
Subject(s): Civil Society, Governance, Geopolitics
Published by: AMO – Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky
Keywords: Arab Spring;
Summary/Abstract: The wave of protests that swept the Arab world in 2001 caught European statesmen off guard. When the European Union finally understood the historical significance of the whole process, it reacted as it does best, launching a flood of declarations and new policy documents. On 8 March 2011, the brand new Partnership for Democracy and Shared Prosperity with the Southern Mediterranean was launched, followed by another review of the European Neighborhood Policy in May. Some of the European representatives even questioned their conscience and confessed to the mistakes of the past. Today, after more than a year, it is being decided whether the EU will be willing to learn from its past mistakes. She promised her neighborhood more money, increased labor and general human mobility, as well as better access to its own markets. However, the Union still has a long way to go before it manages to regain lost credit in relation to the Maghreb.

  • Page Count: 5
  • Publication Year: 2012
  • Language: Czech
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