Problems and challenges of the EU at the beginning of the Danish presidency in the Council of the EU and their relationship to the economic priorities of the Czech Republic Cover Image

Problémy a výzvy EU na počátku dánského předsednictví v Radě EU a jejich vztah k hospodářským prioritám České republiky
Problems and challenges of the EU at the beginning of the Danish presidency in the Council of the EU and their relationship to the economic priorities of the Czech Republic

Author(s): Vít Dostál, Arnošt Marks
Subject(s): International relations/trade, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
Published by: AMO – Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky
Summary/Abstract: The first AMO Briefing paper presented as part of the Challenging the Czech Tales on European Policies project focuses on three important areas that will dominate political debates in the EU and the Czech Republic this year. The first is the global financial crisis and its manifestations and possible solutions in the Eurozone. The second area is the priorities and definition of the Czech Republic in relation to the proposal of the multi-year financial framework, and the third is the preparation of the priorities of the Czech Republic for the next period of the cohesion policy, which for the years 2007-13 defined record sums for supporting the development of the economy. The connection of these debates is essential from the point of view of effectively defining priorities and the position of the Czech Republic in the tense European debate of 2012.

  • Page Count: 7
  • Publication Year: 2012
  • Language: Czech
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