Post-lisabonské zásahy do smluvní architektury EU a otázky jejich ratifikace. Podklady k expertnímu semináři Post-lisabonský integrační proces očima právních expertů - chaos v primárním právu nebo účelné odpovědi na krizi
Post-Lisbon interventions in the treaty architecture of the EU and issues of their ratification. Materials for the expert seminar Post-Lisbon integration process through the eyes of legal experts - chaos in law or expedient responses to the crisis
Author(s): Vít Dostál, Viera Knutelská
Subject(s): EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development, EU-Legislation
Published by: AMO – Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky
Keywords: Maastricht criteria;
Summary/Abstract: The Treaty of Lisbon is not, as it might seem from the European and Czech debate, the inviolable basis of current European integration. After less than twenty years, during which primary law was changed by three fundamental "amendments" (the Maastricht Treaty, the Treaty of Amsterdam and the Treaty of Nice), three accession treaties and the failure of the Constitutional Treaty, when the Treaty of Lisbon entered into force, fatigue from the almost permanent state of "constitutional reform" and the prevailing opinion was that Europe should avoid further fundamental changes for a longer period of time. However, the Treaty of Lisbon soon underwent minor changes, and today it again faces a discussion about fundamental changes.
Series: Association for International Affairs - Briefing Papers
- Page Count: 7
- Publication Year: 2012
- Language: Czech
- Content File-PDF