How many debates are there about Europe? Cover Image

Kolik je debat o Evropě?
How many debates are there about Europe?

Author(s): Vít Dostál
Subject(s): EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development, EU-Legislation
Published by: AMO – Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky
Summary/Abstract: In the autumn of 2012, the question of the new institutional arrangement of the European Union or its part will be fully opened. Already at the end of June, the ministers of foreign affairs of some member states, who join together in the so-called Westerwelle groups. They should present a more coherent concept during September. Reflections on the need for a new arrangement are also born in the head of Chancellor Merkel, although they lack a clearer programmatic version and are hidden in the call for another convention on a new, primarily legal, EU treaty.

  • Page Count: 4
  • Publication Year: 2012
  • Language: Czech
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