Programul „Satul European European”, ed. în Nordul țării: succese și lacune în modul de desfășurare a programului, procesul de distribuție a bugetului și calitatea proiectelor implementate
The "European European Village" program, ed. in the North of the country: successes and gaps in the way the program is carried out, the budget distribution process and the quality of the implemented projects
Author(s): Author Not Specified
Subject(s): Economic policy, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
Published by: EXPERT-GRUP Centrul Analitic Independent
Keywords: European Village;
Summary/Abstract: We have selected the "European Village" program for monitoring because it appears to have several deficiencies in transparency and implementation. We found, preliminarily, that some municipalities that applied for funding were not selected, contrary to official statements, and that the distribution of projects seems to have been influenced by the political affiliation of the mayors. Thus, this report will evaluate the allocation of the budget and resources within the targeted program, verifying whether they have been distributed fairly and efficiently to support the real development of rural communities in the Republic of Moldova. We will also review the quality of implemented projects to ensure that public funds have been used in a way that brings tangible benefits to citizens.
- Page Count: 35
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: Romanian, Moldavian
- Content File-PDF