Ce intervenții (nu) funcționează pentru reducerea consumului de energie în orele de vârf
What interventions (don't) work to reduce peak-hour energy consumption
Author(s): Rustam Romaniuc
Subject(s): Energy and Environmental Studies
Published by: EXPERT-GRUP Centrul Analitic Independent
Summary/Abstract: As the Republic of Moldova faces rising energy costs, especially during peak hours, the Government has launched communication campaigns aimed at reducing consumption. Recent reports show that imported electricity during peak hours can cost two or three times more than locally produced power. This article presents an analysis of interventions tested in different countries with the object of managing energy demand during peak hours using behavioral economics. Field studies carried out worldwide offer valuable lessons for the Republic of Moldova.
- Page Count: 3
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: Romanian, Moldavian
- Content File-PDF