Opportunities of European Standards and Destiny of GOSTS PPORTUNITIES OF EUROPEAN STANDARDS AND DESTINY OF GOSTs (»gosudarstvennyy standart«)
Opportunities of European Standards and Destiny of GOSTS PPORTUNITIES OF EUROPEAN STANDARDS AND DESTINY OF GOSTs (»gosudarstvennyy standart«)
Author(s): Denis Cenuşă
Subject(s): National Economy, Economic policy
Published by: EXPERT-GRUP Centrul Analitic Independent
Keywords: standards; norms;
Summary/Abstract: The full use of economic opportunities offered by the European Union Association Agreement requires imminent alignment with the European legislation, which implies application of technical regulations and progressive adoption of the European Standards (EN), as well as simultaneous removal of conflicting national standards. The successful take over and use of the European Standards depend on the adaptation capacity of business entities, the support provided by authorities, as well as the assistance (both financial and technical) offered by the European partners. At the same time, implementation of the European Standards in the production process is crucial to increase the capacity and volume of Moldovan exports on the EU market and other sales markets.
- Page Count: 10
- Publication Year: 2014
- Language: English
- Content File-PDF