Criza COVID-19: companiile de stat între incertitudine și oportunități
The COVID-19 crisis: state-owned companies between uncertainty and opportunities
Author(s): Dumitru Pîntea, Vadim Gumene
Subject(s): Human Resources in Economy, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: EXPERT-GRUP Centrul Analitic Independent
Keywords: COVID-19;
Summary/Abstract: The need to impose social distancing measures directly affects the activity of some companies around the globe. The effects are observed on several dimensions – from the impossibility of carrying out the usual economic activity, to changes in the behavior of the consumer and that of the producer. These disturbances affect the economic system in general, the economy of the Republic of Moldova not being an exception. Thus, several sectors are already experiencing a drastic drop in sales, the labor market is gripped by uncertainty and public finances are being put to the test. On the one hand, we are witnessing a reduction in the receipts from fees and taxes, on the other hand, expenses to support the medical sector are increasing.
Series: Studii de politici publice
- Page Count: 33
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Romanian, Moldavian
- Content File-PDF