Regulatory cost: How to calculate the issuance fee for Environmental Permitting Acts? Cover Image

Regulatory cost: How to calculate the issuance fee for Environmental Permitting Acts?
Regulatory cost: How to calculate the issuance fee for Environmental Permitting Acts?

Author(s): Dumitru Pîntea, Iurie Morcotîlo, Rodica Iordanov
Subject(s): Environmental and Energy policy
Published by: EXPERT-GRUP Centrul Analitic Independent
Summary/Abstract: This study aims to evaluate the way of establishing the issuance fees for environmental permits, including the permitting acts stipulated in the Nomenclature annexed to the Law no. 160/2011. The aim is to identify and describe a rational mechanism for setting fees based on provisions of the current regulatory framework and the government's commitments in this respect. As a result of this analytical exercise, a series of proposals and recommendations were formulated in the study, which, when used in a systemic way, can justify the application of a reasonable level of such fees, from the perspective of covering both the effort made by authorities and the compliance costs for beneficiaries. Also, the proposed mechanism can be extended to all environmental permits, taking into account that the issuance process of any such permit is based on the provision of a public service delivered by a state authority.

  • Page Count: 33
  • Publication Year: 2020
  • Language: English
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