Preporuke za ponašanje medija u izbornim kampanjama
Recommendations for media standards in election campaigns
Author(s): Not Specified Author
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Electoral systems
Published by: CeSID
Keywords: Serbia; Elections
Summary/Abstract: Media coverage of election campaigns is a frequently divisive issue that never fails to attractpublic attention and polarise opinion. Regulationof this field has posed a challenge ever since theintroduction of multi-party democracy in Serbia,with reforms proceeding slowly and accompaniedby substantial problems in implementation. Political advertising has proven especially difficultto scrutinise and has eluded legislators’ attentionwith worrying regularity. The role of the media inelection campaigns is regulated by numerous lawsand byelaws, which presents significant obstaclesin terms of implementation and oversight. Theserules are laid down by electoral legislation (Law onthe Election of Members of Parliament and LocalElections Law), media laws (Law on Public Information and the Media Law on Electronic Media,and Law on Public Service Broadcasting); businesslaws (Advertising Law); and secondary legislationsuch as the Election Campaign Rules for the Media,enacted by the Council of the Regulatory Authorityfor Electronic Media (REM) on 16 June 2015.
Series: Izbori u Srbiji
- Page Count: 15
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Serbian
- Content File-PDF