Střet o politiku vůči ČLR v roce 2016: Aktéři české politiky na Dálném východě a veřejná a mediální debata
Clash over policy towards the People’s Republic of China in 2016: Actors of Czech policy in the Far East and public and media debate
Author(s): Rudolf Fürst
Subject(s): Media studies, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade, Present Times (2010 - today)
Published by: Ústav mezinárodních vztahů
Keywords: Czech-China relations; Dalai Lama; Jiří Dienstbier; Pavel Bělobrádek; Xi Jinping
Summary/Abstract: Participation of actors in the Czech political agenda and public debate, problematic acceptance of President Si Jinping's visit to Prague and split between state institutions at the time of the visit to the Dalai Lama. The continuing trend of the strong role of lobbyist circles in the bilateral agenda. Increasing polarization and thickening of the Czech debate on relations with China, the ideology of most Czech media and their securitization obsessions.
- Page Count: 17
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Czech
- Content File-PDF
- Introduction