REAL ECONOMY - Monthly Review of Economy and Policy - 2011-17
REAL ECONOMY - Monthly Review of Economy and Policy - 2011-17
Author(s): Ana Popa, Alex Oprunenco, Adrian Lupuşor, Elena Culiuc, Valeriu Prohniţchi
Subject(s): National Economy, Economic policy
Published by: EXPERT-GRUP Centrul Analitic Independent
Summary/Abstract: It is beginning of 2011 and we see replays of the familiar story: the ruling coalition in Moldova at odds with itself. As bickering and infighting within coalition becomes fierier, voter has more and more reasons to ask whether any ‘positive’ lessons were learnt from the first spell at power by the components of the Alliance for European Integration (AEI) in 2009-2010. And what on earth was discussed and sorted out during the lengthy negotiation process to form the AEI-II if now the Alliance cannot come to common ground on the election of President? Cannot endorse a draft of public budget? Cannot maintain normal dialogue within itself? If leaders of coalition’s factions are absorbed by muscle-flexing1 aimed at assertion of who should become ultimate ‘face’ of the Alliance?
- Page Count: 8
- Publication Year: 2011
- Language: English
- Content File-PDF