REAL ECONOMY - Monthly Review of Economy and Policy - 2011-16 Cover Image

REAL ECONOMY - Monthly Review of Economy and Policy - 2011-16
REAL ECONOMY - Monthly Review of Economy and Policy - 2011-16

Author(s): Author Not Specified
Subject(s): National Economy, Economic policy
Published by: EXPERT-GRUP Centrul Analitic Independent
Summary/Abstract: Traditionally, at the beginning of every year, the independent think tank Expert-Grup makes brief reviews - radiographies - for the previous economic year. Like in 2008-2009, the radiography of the 2010 economic year will cover three essential aspects: a) the most important 5 economic events of 2010; b) the most revealing 5 macroeconomic trends; c) the most noticeable 5 faults of the economic policy. On the top of this we will add another interesting element: d) top 5 major risks for 2011. // We have tospecify that these tops represent a joint vision of Expert-Grup team on the economic developments, but do not necessarily imply a strict ranking by their importance. In the annual economic radiographies we try rather to identify the events, statements and mega-trends that in our view were the key determinants for the previous economic year and will mark the medium and short term economic developments. // Before proceeding to these ratings, let's consider the difficult context generated by the 2009 financial crisis (Section 2) and how the Moldovan economy reacted in 2010 to the revitalization of the regional and global economic growth (Section 3).

  • Page Count: 8
  • Publication Year: 2011
  • Language: English
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