ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies
ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies
Publishing House: ESSACHESS
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Anthropology, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Education, Psychology, Museology & Heritage Studies, Library and Information Science, Archiving, Cataloguing, Classification, Education and training, Other, Epistemology, Semiology, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Political Theory, Political Sciences, Civil Society, Public Administration, Communication studies, Sociology, Political history, Gender history, Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion, Religion and science , Cultural Essay, Political Essay, Film / Cinema / Cinematography, Sociology of Religion, Rhetoric, Psychology of Religion
Frequency: 2 issues
Print ISSN: 2066-5083
Online-ISSN: 1775-352X
Status: Active
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023
- 2024
- Issue No. 01-02/I
- Issue No. 01/II
- Issue No. 02/II
- Issue No. 01/III
- Issue No. 02/III
- Issue No. 01/IV
- Issue No. 02/IV
- Issue No. 01/V
- Issue No. 02/V
- Issue No. 01/VI
- Issue No. 02/VI
- Issue No. 01/VII
- Issue No. 02/VII
- Issue No. 01/VIII
- Issue No. 02/VIII
- Issue No. 01/IX
- Issue No. 02/IX
- Issue No. 01/X
- Issue No. 02/X
- Issue No. 21 (1)/11
- Issue No. 22 (2)/11
- Issue No. 23 (1)/12
- Issue No. 24 (2)/12
- Issue No. 25 (1)/13
- Issue No. 26 (2)/13
- Issue No. 27 (1)/14
- Issue No. 28 (2)/14
- Issue No. 29 (1)/15
- Issue No. 30 (2)/15
- Issue No. 31 (1)/16
- Issue No. 32/16
- Issue No. 1(33)/17
- Issue No. 2(34)/17
Articles list
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- Publication: {{ article.Publisher }} ({{ article.Issue }})
- Author(s): {{ article.Authors }}
- Contributor(s): {{ article.Contributors }}
- Language: {{ article.Language }}
- Subject(s): {{ article.Subjects }}
- Issue: {{ article.Issue }}
- Page Range: {{ article.PageRange }}
- No. of Pages: {{ article.NumberOfPages }}
- Keywords: {{ article.Keywords }}
- Summary/Abstract: {{ article.SummaryAbstract }}
- Price: {{ common.currency(article.Price) }}
Short Description
ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies stands out by five essential features that together confer its uniqueness: 1. ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies is the only French journal that meets the need to promote and make available the results of international research in the areas of the sciences of communication to French researchers and among themselves, taking into account that the results of the international research in the area of the sciences of communication are virtually absent in the French academic journals on communication. 2. ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies is the only French journal that publishes the best research interdisciplinary papers on social, cultural, symbolic, and economic communication. 3. ESSACHESS -Journal for Communications Studies is the only French journal that integrates and covers all the subfields on the sciences of communication. 4. ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies is the only French journal that builds bridges through the thematic fields covered between the French network of research in the sciences of communication - a network closed in itself - and the networks of international research both disciplinary and interdisiplinary in the Americas, Canada, Asia, Africa, as well as Eastern, Central, and Western Europe. 5. ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies achieves an exceptional quality for the published articles through a double-blind peer review process of evaluation involving systematically for each article French and foreign experts at the same time.
On line ISSN 1775-352X
Paper ISSN 2066-5083
The opinions expressed in the texts published are the author’s own and do not necessarily express the views of ESSACHESS editors. The authors assume all responsibility for the ideas expressed in the materials published.
Editorial Team:
Stefan BRATOSIN (CTS-IARSIC/CORHIS EA 7400, Université Paul Valéry de Montpellier), Céline BRYON-PORTET (ENSIACET), Catherine GHOSN (CTS-IARSIC/CORHIS EA 7400, Université Paul Sabatier), Lucian HERSCOVICI (IARSIC, Bibliothèque Nationale d'Israël, Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem), Philippe JEANNIN (Université Paul Sabatier), Sorin PETROF (CTS-IARSIC/CORHIS EA 7400, Université Paul Valéry de Montpellier), Alina Elena ROMASCU (Université de Corse Pasquale Paoli), Mihaela-Alexandra TUDOR (CTS-IARSIC/CORHIS EA 7400, Université Paul Valéry de Montpellier)