International Interdisciplinary Scientific Journal "Expert"
International Interdisciplinary Scientific Journal "Expert"
Publishing House: АСПЕКТ-ПРО ЕООД
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Psychology, Business Economy / Management, Political Sciences, Communication studies, Sociology, Tourism
Frequency: 6 issues
Online-ISSN: 2815-5300
Status: Active
- 2023
- 2024
- Issue No. 1/1
- Issue No. 2/1
- Issue No. 3/1
- Issue No. 4/1
- Issue No. 5/1
Articles list
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{{ article.TitleOriginalLanguage }}
({{ article.TitleEnglish }})
- Publication: {{ article.Publisher }} ({{ article.Issue }})
- Author(s): {{ article.Authors }}
- Contributor(s): {{ article.Contributors }}
- Language: {{ article.Language }}
- Subject(s): {{ article.Subjects }}
- Issue: {{ article.Issue }}
- Page Range: {{ article.PageRange }}
- No. of Pages: {{ article.NumberOfPages }}
- Keywords: {{ article.Keywords }}
- Summary/Abstract: {{ article.SummaryAbstract }}
- Price: {{ common.currency(article.Price) }}
Short Description
We recognize that the interconnection of economics with entrepreneurship, the intertwining of administration with management practices, and the interplay between tourism, the hospitality industry, and cultural dynamics are critical to understanding and navigating the modern world. Similarly, the synthesis of political science, sociology, psychology, and law provides a comprehensive lens through which to analyze and influence social phenomena and policy-making.
Our publication serves as a conduit for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to share their insights, research findings, and theoretical advancements. By fostering a multifaceted discourse, we not only contribute to the academic community but also offer practical value to industries and governments seeking informed decisions.
Our journal offers a unique platform for the synergy of ideas, knowledge, and research experience in the fields of economics and entrepreneurship, administration and management, tourism and the hospitality industry, political science and sociology, psychology and law, facilitating a global exchange among specialists in these directions.
In an era where the complexity of global challenges is ever-increasing, the siloed approach to science and research is no longer sufficient. The International Interdisciplinary Scientific Journal "Expert" embodies the spirit of collaborative inquiry, bridging diverse disciplines to pave the way for groundbreaking insights and practical solutions. Our journal not only stands as a beacon of interdisciplinary dialogue but also as an incubator for pioneering ideas that transcend traditional academic boundaries.
The journal accepts articles from Doctors of Science (Sc.D.), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) / Candidates of Science, young scientists (Doctoral Candidate), as well as other persons with higher education Master of Science (M.Sc.) and engaged in scientific activities. Authors should submit articles that are exclusively their own original research, in accordance with the rules of citation and reference. Submission of deliberately false information or plagiarism is unacceptable and unethical. In addition, only articles that have not been previously published in other publications will be accepted for publication.
Editorial board
Yevhen Namliiev
Scientific Degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD)
Scientific Title: Docent (Associate Professor)
Position in the Organization: Professor
Organization Name: Higher School of Social and Economic (Przeworsk, Poland)
Olga Mohylevska
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences (DSc)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: Head of the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management
Organization Name: Kyiv International University (Ukraine)
Angela Boyko
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Philosophical Sciences (DSc)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: Head of the Department of Philosophy and Political Sciences
Organization Name: Cherkassy State Technological University (Ukraine)
Anurag Hazarika
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Social Sciences (PhD)
Scientific Title:
Position in the Organization: Assistant Professor (Guest Faculty)
Organization Name: Tezpur University (Assam, India)
Astrida Miceikienė
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Social Sciences (PhD)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: Senior researcher of the Bioeconomy Research Institute; Chancellor of the Agriculture Academy
Organization Name: Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania)
Barbara Giza
Scientific Degree: Doctor Habil. in Humanities (DSc)
Scientific Title: Associate Professor
Position 1 in the Organization: Associate Professor of the Institute of Social Communication and Media Studies
Organization Name: University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska (Lublin, Poland)
Position 2 in the Organization: Associate Professor
Organization Name: National Film Archive – Audiovisual Institute (Warsaw, Poland)
Blaga Blagoeva
Scientific Degree: Doctor in Political Sciences (PhD)
Scientific Title: Associate Professor
Position in the Organization: Head of the Department Political Science
Organization Name: University of National and World Economy (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Bogusław Ślusarczyk
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences (DSc)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: Professor
Organization Name: Higher School of Social and Economic (Przeworsk, Poland)
Daniela Pastarmadzhieva
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Political Sciences (PhD)
Scientific Title: Associate Professor
Position in the Organization: Scientific Secretary of the Department of Political Sciences and National Security
Organization Name: University of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski (Bulgaria)
Dimitrios Petropoulos
Scientific Degree: Doctor in Economics and Management (PhD)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: Dean of the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences; Director of the Laboratory of Agricultural Economics, Development, and Entrepreneurship
Organization Name: University of the Peloponnese (Tripolis, Greece)
Ekaterina Arabska
Scientific Degree: Doctor in Administration and Management (PhD)
Scientific Title: Associate Professor
Position in the Organization: Rector
Organization Name: University of Agribusiness and Rural Development (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)
Elena Stavrova
Scientific Degree: Doctor in Economics (PhD)
Scientific Title: Associate Professor
Position in the Organization: Head of the Department of Finance and Accounting
Organization Name: South-West University "Neofit Rilski" (Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria)
Elżbieta Sawa-Czajka
Scientific Degree: Doctor in International Relations (PhD)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: Professor
Organization Name: Academy of International Relations and American Studies (Warsaw, Poland)
Grażyna Kącicka
Scientific Degree: Candidate of Political Sciences (PhD)
Scientific Title:
Position in the Organization: Assistant Professor
Organization Name: Higher School of Social and Economic (Przeworsk, Poland)
Hanna Chepurda
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Historical Sciences (DSc)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: Professor of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business Department
Organization Name: Cherkassy State Technological University (Ukraine)
Itska Derijan
Scientific Degree: Doctor in Pedagogy (PhD)
Scientific Title: Docent (Associate Professor)
Position in the Organization: Vice-Rector for Educational Activities
Organization Name: South-West University "Neofit Rilski" (Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria)
Julia Doitchinova
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences (DSc)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: Head of the Department of Economics of Natural Resources
Organization Name: University of National and World Economy (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Larysa Chepurda
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences (DSc)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: Head of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business Department
Organization Name: Cherkassy State Technological University (Ukraine)
Liudmyla Golovkova
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences (DSc)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: Professor of the Department of Finance, Accounting and Psychology
Organization Name: Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology (Dnipro, Ukraine)
Liudmyla Zavidna
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences (DSc)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: Professor of the Department of Management of Innovation Activity and Service Industry
Organization Name: Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University (Ukraine)
Liudmyla Maliuta
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences (DSc)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: Professor of the Department of Management of Innovation Activity and Service Industry
Organization Name: Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University (Ukraine)
Mariyana Bozhinova
Scientific Degree: Doctor in Economics (PhD)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: Rector, Head of Department Economics and Management of Tourism
Organization Name: D.A.Tsenov Academy of Economics (Svishtov, Bulgaria)
Maria Mazur
Scientific Degree: Doctor in International Relations (PhD)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: Rector
Organization Name: The University College of Enterprise and Administration (Lublin, Poland)
Marcin Raba
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Laws (PhD)
Scientific Title:
Position in the Organization: Notary
Organization Name: Notarial Office - Marcin Jakub Raba
(Przeworsk, Poland)
Miglena Temelkova
Scientific Degree: Doctor in Administration and Management (PhD)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: Rector
Organization Name: University of Telecommunications and Posts (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Milen Baltov
Scientific Degree: Doctor in Economics and Management (PhD)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: Rector
Organization Name: Burgas Free University (Bulgaria)
Myroslava Sadova
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Psychological Sciences (DSc)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position 1 in the Organization: Chief Researcher of the Department of Intellectual Development of the Gifted Personality
Organization Name: Institute of the Gifted Child of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Position 2 in the Organization: Chief Researcher of the Faculty of Psychology
Organization Name: Pan-European University (Bratislava, Slovakia)
Monika Kaczmarek-Śliwińska
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Social Communication and Media Sciences (DSc); Doctor in Economics (PhD)
Scientific Title: Adjunct Professor
Position in the Organization: University lector at the Faculty of Journalism, Information and Bibliology
Organization Name: University of Warsaw (Poland)
Oleksii Shevikov
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Psychological Sciences (DSc)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: Professor of the Department of Finance, Accounting and Psychology
Organization Name: Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology (Dnipro, Ukraine)
Olena Orliuk
Scientific Degree: Doctor Habil. of Law (DSc)
Scientific Title: Professor; Academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine
Position 1 in the Organization: Director
Organization Name: State Organization “Ukrainian National Office for Intellectual Property and Innovations” (Kyiv, Ukraine);
Position 2 in the Organization: Professor at the Intellectual Property and Information law Department of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law
Organization Name: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine)
Pavlo Pokataiev
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration (DSc); Doctor of Science in Law (DSc)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: First Vice-Rector
Organization Name: "Classic Private University" (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine)
Piotr Jarosz
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Science in Administration and Management (DSc)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: Rector
Organization Name: Higher School of Social and Economic (Przeworsk, Poland)
Valentina Nikolova-Aleksieva
Scientific Degree: Doctor in Economics and Management (PhD)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: Dean at the Faculty of Economics
Organization Name: University of Food Technologies - Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
Valentyna Zarytska
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Psychological Sciences (DSc)
Scientific Title: Professor
Position in the Organization: Head of the Department of Practical Psychology
Organization Name: "Classic Private University" (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine)