Cornova Cover Image


Publishing House: AV ČR - Akademie věd České republiky - Ústav pro českou literaturu
Subject(s): History, Language and Literature Studies
Frequency: 2 issues
Status: Active

  • 2023
  • Issue No. 01/13
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  • Year: {{ issueInfo.Year }}
  • Volume: {{ issueInfo.Volume }}
  • Number: {{ issueInfo.IssueNo }}

Articles list
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Short Description

Cornova is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Czech Society for 18th Century Studies and the Institute of Czech Literature. Since its establishment in 2011, Cornova has been an international scholarly journal focusing on 18th century research with an emphasis on Central Europe in its broader context. The aim of the journal is to present methodologically sophisticated studies based on original research and touching upon topical issues in 18th century scholarship and to promote their theoretical reflection in the Central European context. Cornova presents peer-reviewed scholarly studies, reviews and informative texts on current developments in the field.

Cornova is published twice a year in printed and online version.

Since issue 20 all articles have been published under Licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. The journal is a member of the Crossref registration agency and assigns a DOI identifier to peer-reviewed articles.

Author fees
The journal does not require any fees from authors for editing and publishing their articles. The journal is published solely with the support of the ICL and ČSVOS, it does not contain advertising and all financial income comes from the sale of the printed version of the journal.

Editorial board


  • Michael Wögerbauer (Institute of Czech Literature, CAS, Prague, CZ) E-mail:,

Executive Editor and Secretary of the Editorial Board

  • Markéta Kittlová (Institute of Czech Literature, CAS, Prague, CZ), E-mail:

Editorial board

  • Michael Wögerbauer (Institute of Czech Literature, CAS, Prague, CZ - Chairman)
  • Marc Niubó (Musicology Department. Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, CZ - Deputy Chairman) https:/
  • Veronika Čapská (Department of Anthropologcial Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, CZ) https:/
  • Marie-Elizabeth Ducreux (EHESS-MSH, Paris, FR)
  • Josef Fulka (Institute of Philosophy, CAS & Department of Philosophy,Faculty of Humanities,  Charles University, Prague, CZ)
  • Martina Grečenková (Institute of History, CAS &  Department of Historical Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University,  Prague, CZ)
  • Christine Haug (Centre for Book Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, DE)
  • Jiří Hrbek (Institute of Czech History,  Faculty of Arts, Charles University,  Prague, CZ) 
  • Eva Kowalska (Institute of History, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, SK)
  • Jiří Kubeš (Institute of Historical Studies,  Faculty of Arts, University of Pardubice, CZ)
  • Hedvika Kuchařová (Strahov Monastery Library, Prague, CZ)
  • Christine Lebeau (UFR 09 – Histoire, Université Paris I, FR)
  • Claire Madl (CEFRES, Prague, CZ)
  • Tomáš Malý (Institute of History, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, CZ)
  • Miroslav Novotný (Institute of Archival Studies and Auxiliary Historical Sciences, Faculty of Arts, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, CZ)
  • Taťána Petrasová (Institute of Art History, CAS, Prague, CZ)
  • Marie Ryantová (Institute of Archival Studies and Auxiliary Historical Sciences, Faculty of Arts, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, CZ)
  • Václav Smyčka (Institute of Czech Literature, CAS, Prague, CZ)
  • Rudolf Svoboda (Department of Ethics, Psychology and Charity Work, Faculty of Theology, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, CZ)
  • Daniela Tinková (Institute of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, CZ)
  • Dušan Uhlíř (Institute of Historical Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Science, University of Silesia, Opava, CZ)
  • Jan Zdichynec (Institute of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, CZ)
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