Peuce (New Series) - History and Archaeology Studies and Research Cover Image

Peuce (Serie Nouă) - Studii şi cercetari de istorie şi arheologie
Peuce (New Series) - History and Archaeology Studies and Research

Publishing House: Institutul de Cercetari Eco-Muzeale Tulcea - Institutul de Istorie si Arheologie
Subject(s): History
Frequency: 1 issues
Print ISSN: 0258-8102
Status: Active

  • 2003
  • 2004
  • 2005
  • 2007
  • 2008
  • 2009
  • 2010
  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 2013
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • Issue No. 1/I
  • Issue No. 2/II
  • Issue No. 3-4/III
  • Issue No. 5/V
  • Issue No. 6/VI
  • Issue No. 7/VII
  • Issue No. 8/VIII
  • Issue No. 9/IX
  • Issue No. 10/X
  • Issue No. 11/XI
  • Issue No. 12/XII
  • Issue No. 13/XIII
  • Issue No. 14/XIV
  • Issue No. 15/XV
  • Issue No. 16/XVI
  • Issue No. 17/17
  • Issue No. 18/18
  • Issue No. 19/XIX
  • Issue No. 20/20
  • Issue No. 21/21
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  • Year: {{ issueInfo.Year }}
  • Volume: {{ issueInfo.Volume }}
  • Number: {{ issueInfo.IssueNo }}

Articles list
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Short Description

The PEUCE Journal was printed for the first time in 1971 by the Danube Delta Museum in Tulcea. Thirteen numbers, comprising 16 fascicles, were published between 1971 and 2000. Most of them were dedicated to archaeology and ancient history, but there were also published volumes dedicated to natural sciences (botany, zoology, geology, geography), ethnography, museology, national heritage, restoration. Many of them are ample volumes (over 500 pages), with original, good quality contributions, written by well-known specialists in these various scientific fields. Several of these publications represent the result of conferences organised by the museum.

In 2003, ICEM Tulcea has launched a new series of the Peuce Journal, dedicated exclusively to researches in ancient history and archaeology, as well as interdisciplinary researches in these areas. Presently, the journal focuses on: ancient history, archaeology, zooarchaeology, palinology, geology, archaeometallurgy, bibliology etc. From a chronological perspective, the research must be circumscribed to the period between Palaeolithic and the end of the Middle Ages, in the Balck Sea area, with special focus on the Lower Danube region.

The access to the published material is free of charge. The users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print and post links to the integral texts of the articles and studies, without previous permission from the editors and authors.

Submission guidelines

Peuce Journal publishes articles from the following fields: ancient history, archaeology, art, historiography, architecture, epigraphy, numismatics, anthropology, archaeozoology, palynology, geology, metallography, archival studies etc., dedicated to a period starting from the Palaeolithic until the end of the Middle Ages and focusing, broadly, on the regions directly connected to the Black Sea, especially the Lower Danube area.

Peuce Journal will not accept papers that have been previously published or to be published at the same time, except for articles in foreign journals that are not easily accessible to Romanian readers, subject to the approval of the editorial board.

The papers should be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word .doc or .docx, using diacritical marks if written in Romanian, applying single spaced paragraphs and Palatino Linotype font of the following sizes:

-         Title, author, article             –  10 pcts;

-         footnotes                              –  9 pcts;

-         abstract                               –  9 pcts.

Figures:               -      if linear, in two shades (black and white), minimum resolution 500 dpi;

-      if photographic (black and white or colour), in *.jpg or *.tiff format, minimum resolution 500 dpi.

Sequentially numbered footnotes will follow the British referencing system: author, year of publication, cited page, and figure/table if applicable. A bibliography list in alphabetical order by name of the authors and chronologically in case of several publications by one author will be annexed to the article. 

The alphabet of the source publication will be used in both the footnotes and the reference list (in the case of books or papers in Russian, Bulgarian or Greek).

The bibliography list will mention the following information:

-  for books: name of author, year of publication, title, volume (number and title), edition, series (collection), number in the series or collection, city of publication.


Hendy, M.F. 1969, Coinage and Money in Byzantine Empire 1081-1261, Dumbarton Oaks Center of Byzantine Studies 12, Washington.

Grierson, Ph. 1973, Catalogue of the Byzantine coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection, III, 2. Basil I to Nicephorus III (867-1081), Washington.

Гольцева, Н., Кашуба, М. 1995, Глинжень II. Многослойный памятник Среднего Поднестровья, Тирасполь.

- for articles: name of author, year of publication, title of article, name of the publication or collective volume, tome, city of publication and editor – in case of collective volumes, and cited pages.


Poenaru Bordea, G. 1999, À propos du Pont Occidental et du Bas-Danube à l'époque de Mithridate VI Eupator, Révue Belge de Numismatique et de Sigilographie 145, 155-164.

Simion, G., Cantacuzino, G. 1962, Cercetările arheologice de la Teliţa (com. Poşta, r. Tulcea, reg. Constanţa), Materiale și Cercetări Arheologice 8, 373-381.

Teleagă, E. 2014, Pecetea lui Skyles şi tumulii fastuoşi de la Agighiol şi Cugir: omisiune şi falsificare în fondarea mitului "strămoşilor" românilor, geto-dacii, Studii şi Cercetări de Istorie Veche şi Arheologie, 65 (3-4), 295-318.

Bonev, A. 1995, The Gold Treasure from the Vulchitrun Village (Pleven District) and the Problems of cultural Contacts in Southeast Europe in the Second Half of the Second Millenium BC, în Bailey, D., W., Panayotov, I. (eds.), Prehistoric Bulgaria, Monographs in World Archaeology 22, Madison Wisconsin, 277-308.

Ветрова, M.H., Кашуба, M.T., Кулькова, M.A., Агульников, C.M., Заноч, A., Бруяко, И.В. 2018, Керамика поселений Сахарна Маре, Хлижень и Шолдэнештъ и источники глин для ее изготовления, in Ghilaş, V. (ed.), Conferinţa ştiinţifică internaţională „Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare”, ediţia a X-a (Chişinău, 30-31 mai 2018). Programul şi rezumatele comunicărilor, Chişinău, 81-82.


Titles of periodicals, volumes, catalogs, corpora, and encyclopedias will not be abbreviated.

The title of the article will be submitted in the language of the article, as well as in Romanian and English.

The abstract, written both in Romanian and English (additional abstracts in other foreign languages – French, Italian, German – can be published, if indicated) will be added at the beginning of the article. The article should also include 4-5 keywords and the explanation of the figures in Romanian and English, and in the language of the article (if different).

Figures – drawings – should fit the maximum size of Peuce Journal page (19.5 × 13.5 cm), except for maps, layouts, profiles or tables, which need to exceed the usual format to be legible. In the case of the latter, the author shall specify, in pencil, on the margin of the drawings, the desired downscaling ratio. For a figure consisting of drawings at different scales, the author shall specify the scale of each drawing.

 In order to facilitate the publication of the journal’s issue on time, please observe the submission deadline – March 31st of each year.

Only scientifically substantiated materials consisting of studies, articles, notes and reviews will be accepted. Contributions received for publication will be subject to the assessment system of Peuce Journal ( procesul_de_recenzare.html).


The editorial board

”Gavrilă Simion” Eco-Museum Research Institute

32 Progresului Street, ZIP code 820009, Tulcea, Romania


Indexing information

This title is indexed in SciVerse Scopus, ErihPlus, EBSCO Host and CEEOL.

Editorial board

Redactor şef / Editor-in-chief:  Cristian MICU

Redactor şef-adjunct/ Executive Editor:  Sorin-Cristian AILINCĂI

Secretar de redacţie/ Secretary:  Alexandra Clara ŢÂRLEA

Comitetul consultativ / Advisory Board: Alexandru AVRAM (Le Mans), Victor-Henrich BAUMANN (Tulcea), Dan BERINDEI (Bucureşti), Nikolaus BOROFFKA (Berlin), Maurizio BUORA (Udine), Florin CURTA (Gainesville), Owen DOONAN (Northridge), Moshe FISCHER (Tel Aviv), Laurent CHRZANOVSKI (Lattes), Ioan OPRIŞ (Bucureşti), Răzvan THEODORESCU (Bucureşti), Florin TOPOLEANU (Tulcea)

Colegiul de redacţie / Editorial Board: Alexandru BĂDESCU (Bucureşti), Valentin BOTTEZ (București), Albane BURENS (Toulouse), Laurent CAROZZA (Toulouse), Mihai CONSTANTINESCU (Bucureşti), Oana DAMIAN (Bucureşti), Anca DAN (Paris), Laura DIETRICH (Berlin), Oliver DIETRICH (Berlin), Adrian IONIŢĂ (Bucureşti), Daniela Luminiţa LUPU (Bucureşti), Lăcrămioara MANEA (Tulcea), Florian MATEI-POPESCU (Bucureşti), Dragoş MĂNDESCU (Piteşti), Florian MIHAIL (Tulcea), Lucreţiu MIHĂILESCU-BÎRLIBA (Iaşi), Marian MOCANU (Tulcea), Iulian MOGA (Iaşi), Decebal NEDU (Galaţi), George NUŢU (Tulcea), Andrei OPAIŢ (Iaşi), Ioan Carol OPRIȘ (București), Valentin RADU (Bucureşti), Angela SIMALCSIK (Iaşi), Andrei SOFICARU (Bucureşti), Aurel Daniel STĂNICĂ (Tulcea), Bartłomiej Sz. SZMONIEWSKI (Kraków), Gabriel Mircea TALMAŢCHI (Constanţa), Alexandra Clara ŢÂRLEA (Bucureşti), Aurel VÎLCU (Bucureşti)

Tehnoredactare / Computer graphics: Camelia KAIM

Consultanţi limbi străine / Language editors:  Albane BURENS (limba franceză / French), Alexandra ŢÂRLEA (limba engleză / English), Laura DIETRICH (limba germană / German).

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