Wrocław Theological Review
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny
The Journal of the Pontifical Theological Faculty in Wrocław, devoted to studies in the scope of Christian philosophy, history of the Church, biblical sciences, social sciences, systematic theology, spiritual theology, pastoral theology, Christian Hebraism, and Christian - Jewish relations, comprises research conducted in respective Departments being part of the scientific Institutes of the university. Since the beginning of its emergence that is since 1993, it has been a biyearly journal.
Wrocław Theological Review constitutes some kind of continuation of a scientific thought and editorial works conducted before the Second World War in Theological Overview in Lviv. The Review commenced its activity in Wrocław in 1993, in the 25th year of scientific activity of the Pontifical Faculty in Wrocław. The appearance of this journal was not only an explicit sign of vitality of the university, but also a sign of hope for further development. In the introduction to the first issue of the Review, Cardinal Henryk Gulbinowicz, the contemporaneous Metropolitan Archbishop of Wrocław, wrote: „Let the words of the First Letter of St Peter: «Always be ready to defend the hope in you, in confrontation with those who demand its justification» (1P 3,15) become inspiration for genuine efforts of all authors, and let them pave a way of service, by making the theological-philosophical thought available to God’s people of Lower Silesia”.